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Breakup Recovery

39.00 USD

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A 30-Day Workbook to Reclaim Your Life Post-Breakup

Break Up Recovery is more than just a workbook; it's a comprehensive guide designed specifically for you. This book will help you understand your relationships better, distinguishing the healthy ones from the unhealthy, and shed light on various aspects of your breakup. It will guide you through accepting and understanding your feelings and thoughts.

Every person's healing journey is unique, and there's no set timeline for feeling better. However, many people who use this workbook start noticing positive changes in their feelings and outlook within the first three weeks.

Absolutely! The "Break Up Recovery" workbook is designed to be inclusive and helpful for everyone, no matter their gender. Heartbreak is a universal experience, and this workbook can help anyone navigate it.

No, not at all. Although the workbook was originally designed with romantic breakups in mind, its principles, strategies, and exercises are also applicable to other types of relationship endings, such as friendships or strained family relationships. This makes it a versatile tool to navigate various emotional landscapes, helping you find closure and heal from any relationship disruption.

That's okay. The workbook is designed to meet you where you are in your healing process. It provides tools and exercises to help you manage your feelings, but you don't need to rush forgiveness or moving on before you're ready.

Yes, absolutely! Even if you're not a regular journaler, this workbook guides you through the process in a way that's easy and approachable. You might find it a useful tool to express and process your feelings.

The workbook is designed as a 30-day program, but you can go at your own pace. It's more important to take the time you need for each exercise than to rush through it.

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Breakup Recovery

39.00 USD

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