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Motor Girl and the Endless Race
It's been nearly a year since Josaline's cousin disappeared. But since Rene is lesser than dirt as an Alloy, her disappearance goes uninvestigated. That's the law.
In the near future, Josaline's wealthy parents helped create laws discriminating against over half the population. Understandably, she would want to keep her identity a secret from everyone. No one would understand why she's looking for her lost cousin, Rene. Josaline has finally moved away from her parents. Secretly moving in with her 'lesser' family (Alloyed), Josaline is ready to start fresh where no one (except her family) knows who she is. The only problem is that her cousin, Rene, is still missing, and her cousin, Reglin, lost his patience long ago. When Josaline discovers his plan to infiltrate the only suspects questioned by the police, she forces her help on him. But no one can know who she is; her powerful family would make things worse, not better.