My name is Paweł, but you can call me
Better Life Dealer

I am on the mission to help sports junkies level up their fitness and finances! Let's see below how can I help you best!

What is the biggest challenge for us, sport people?


Let's be honest, not everyone of us can't make a sport carrer like Michael Jordan,Ronaldo or Messi. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun! But when? Things to do are piling up for all of us, aren't we more busy than people 30 years ago?


Gym membership is up again? Classes cost you arm and leg? You are not alone, in fact it is pricy to stay healthy nowadays! Crazy, I know, now add on top of that healthy food to keep all nutrients in the right level, impossible!


You did not wake up again in the morning to train before work? You overslept your alarm? You had a bad day at work and can't be bothered to go and do the training? I had the same!

I have figured out the solution!

For 5 years now I am helping others to benefit from healthy lifestyle,
watch this video to understand how you can do that too!