
Your Health Command Center!

Guaranteed Health Care Improvement in 30 Days or Your Money Back!

If you don't discover at least three features within the drBox APP that enhance your and/or your family's health management in the first 30 days, we'll refund your purchase, no questions asked. Simply request a refund through the APP within this period.

Health Comes First!

As participants in the national health system, we firsthand understand the challenges of managing health issues and ensuring our families receive proper care. From the lengthy wait for consultations to the pursuit of integrated private healthcare for quicker, more accurate diagnoses, the struggle is real.

Facing Our Fears with Data

WHO data reveals alarming statistics: out of ten people, five will face heart issues, four will develop cancer, and one will be diagnosed with diabetes. Early detection or prevention is crucial, yet many of these conditions aren't left to chance. In 2017, we assembled a formidable team of scientists, health professionals, and engineers dedicated to addressing these challenges.

Our Journey

Our efforts have been recognized with prestigious awards, including the European Innovation Award and the Worldwide Impact Award from Web Summit, among others. Despite tempting offers from international conglomerates, we've remained committed to our mission of improving people's quality of life without succumbing to the limitations of various health systems.

Today, we assist thousands daily, spanning users, healthcare professionals, caregivers, and institutions across multiple countries."

This version keeps the original message intact while streamlining some parts for clarity and impact.

Discover how we contribute to keeping your family healthier through life's highs and the inevitable lows.



World Health Organization data highlights a concerning statistic:

One out of every three individuals who regularly take medication winds up in the emergency room due to incorrect usage.

👌🏻 drBox empowers you to manage your medications effortlessly, safeguarding your loved ones.

(💲) Save up to €300 annually by reducing the need for medication management, preventing relapses, and cutting down on hospital visits.



👌🏻 Imagine the convenience of always knowing which medications to carry with you, whether it's for today, tomorrow, or during your vacation, coupled with timely alerts when it's time to take them. 

Doesn't that sound helpful?


 Get drBox Premium with just one click.

👌🏻 Start your day informed with the Morning Notification feature, ensuring you always remember which medications to take.

I inadvertently let my medication supply run out!

👌🏻 Ensure you always have your medication on hand.

Stay informed about your stock levels well in advance to prevent running out.

Organizing medications is no longer a hassle - it's streamlined and fuss-free!

👌🏻 Keep your daily medication schedule at hand for easy dose preparation and to avoid any mix-ups.

Ah, my memory isn't what it used to be. What was the name of the medication I took during my last flare-up?

👌🏻 Access your Medication History whenever you want, perfect for those times when you need to recall what you've already taken!

This medication I'm using is causing me such an itch!...

👌🏻 Promptly report any adverse reactions to medications to both your pharmacist and doctor to prevent the escalation of more serious health issues. This ensures your health is actively managed and safeguarded.

Your Pharmacy, Always Within Reach!

👌🏻 Easily and conveniently purchase health products at your pharmacy with detailed descriptions.

Verify product availability, reserve, and place orders from anywhere with your pharmacist.

(💲) Save over €250 annually on unnecessary expenses and travel just by efficiently searching for products.

I'm Cool!!!

👌🏻 Effortlessly manage your health and mitigate risk factors by keeping tabs on essential vital parameters, such as cholesterol and blood pressure, using drBox's AI Vital Monitoring.

This simple and worry-free approach aids in preventing unnecessary hospital visits, work absences, and financial impacts due to health-related issues.

(💲) Accessing this solution under normal circumstances would typically cost over €50,000 annually.

Seize the opportunity and secure your premium spot at DrBox now—don't let time slip away.

Effortlessly Manage Your Health!


-> Struggling to locate that three-month-old uric acid report? Stress no more! With our system, all your essential health information is readily accessible at any time..

-> Log health metrics and easily review your measurement history (taken at the pharmacy, clinic, or home) whenever you wish.

-> Easily manage your health risk factors without any worries.


It even has Clinical Analysis!

Access and validate the progress of your Clinical Analysis indicators in a simple and intuitive manner.
Now, you can perform your analyses at any laboratory, health center, or hospital and consolidate them in one place.

This makes it easy to view and evaluate, both for you and your healthcare team.

(💲) How much would you have to spend to have all this? A lot, since it didn't exist before!

Its value is priceless for your health.

Now... I Truly Am the Boss!

👌🏻 Start carrying all your Health Records with you at all times.

Yes, even those from 5 or 10 years ago. Boost your independence and take control of your health.

(💲) Access something truly extraordinary and secure, valued at €1,100, that could save your life.

Store your tests and reports easily and securely.


👌🏻 Make your medical records available whenever you wish, during appointments or in emergency situations at the hospital.

👌🏻 Never forget to take your vaccine dose or booster, whether it's for travel purposes or any other reason.

Keep your records handy and receive alerts when it's time for a booster shot!


👌🏻 Ensure access to your symptom information and health episodes at all times.

It's crucial for accurate diagnosis, preventing unnecessary follow-up appointments, or during emergency situations.

(💲) Save on repetitive medical appointments, blood tests, and exams, amounting to a minimum value of €4.000 per year.

Now you're beginning to see how drBox can Save Lives.

Save Precious Time!

👌🏻 In a medical, pharmaceutical, or nursing appointment.

Effectively and objectively communicate your symptoms to facilitate a more accurate and prompt diagnosis.

Elephant Memory!...

👌🏻 Display an elephant's memory by easily recalling detailed accounts of your past health episodes:

When they occurred, their duration, what you took, how you overcame them, who accompanied you, and how your body reacted, among other details.

Safer than in a bank vault!

👌🏻 This is where it all began for drBox!

Ensuring encryption and security unparalleled in the healthcare field, with blockchain and encryption far superior to military-grade security protocols.

(💲) At list will cost you €1,500 per year, being the true and sole owner of your health records.

Take ownership and control of your health records.


👌🏻 Keep your health records updated and accessible for when you need them.

👌🏻 Share exams, prescriptions, and health records securely at all times.


We have a health emergency and need to go to the hospital emergency room!

Unfortunately, these are things that happen.

👌🏻 But, we can be better prepared for when that happens, by always having with us the complete history of past health interventions.

This promotes a quick diagnosis and a swifter medical intervention that can save our lives!

(💲) We can't put a price on it! Priceless!

Easily Yield to Your Medical Record,


Make Your Health Records Available Instantly.



👌🏻 Learn to explain the names of medications, dosages, and how many you take per day easily...

Just show them drBox!

👌🏻 Provide your doctor, pharmacist and nurse with information about medication adverse reactions and allergies to assist them in prescribing more effectively.

If you've been involved in an accident, you may not be able to explain or provide your essential health information at the moment.

Show your drBox, or let a family member/caregiver share your health records for you.

Easily contact your Nurse, Pharmacist, Doctor, and Therapist!

👌🏻 Communicate with your healthcare professionals who are following your case, even if you don't have their direct phone number! In real time!

 (💲) In terms of time saved, alleviated discomfort, and the value of securing your healthcare provider's attention when you need it most, the savings are invaluable.

Secure always an open channel of communication with the healthcare professionals who support you.

Keep the medical and pharmaceutical information recorded in messages to remember the therapies.

Be sure that your healthcare professional has seen your request.

Request prescription renewals directly before your medication runs out.

(💲) Save time and avoid missing work. It helps save at least €150 in commuting and lost hours annually.


Integrated Health 360º

Now you can have all the health professionals who accompany you always close and working for your health, accelerating diagnostics and the choice of the most efficient therapies.

The Dream Becomes Possible with drBox!

(💲) What you save in money and time by not duplicating exams, diagnostics, or undergoing minimally beneficial therapies!

In more serious situations, it could save your life... it's of incalculable value!

Connect and combine all the different doctors and specialties that accompany you:

👌🏻 General practice, internal medicine, cardiologist, dermatologist, ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor), orthopedist, dentist, etc., optimizing the different ongoing therapies to your advantage.

👌🏻 Make your current medication and pharmacological history available to your pharmacist and clinical team.

Avoid medication duplication that affects 3 out of every 10 people.

Duplication is very common, due to the different names of medications, and leads to serious health consequences daily in thousands of people.

Together they are stronger.

Coordinate the efforts of the different health professionals who are treating you.

Keep them informed about ongoing diagnoses and therapies, promoting their involvement, participation, and clinical intervention to improve their situation as a patient.

You'll see... good results come much faster!

Keep health at the palm of your hand!

Everything safely in one place!

Start having all your health accessible at the palm of your hand with the drBox Saúde app.

Whether you're at home, at work, or traveling.

(💲) drBox can easily represent a value of at least €6,700 per year per person

Attention! Prepare yourself for a Quality of Life, Simplicity, and Organization of Your Health like you've never experienced before.



1. Having a phone with Wi-Fi or mobile data and that can download applications.

2. Download the drBox Saúde APP from the Apple APP Store (iPhones) or from the Google Store (Android).

3. To activate drBox after downloading the application, just enter some information and the secret code you will receive by message (SMS).

Then, the application guides you to complete the registration and start enjoying a healthier life.

Pharmacy Innovation Portuguese Award

European Innovation Award

WebSummit Award

Live life as it deserves and provide more health for your family with drBox.


Now That You Know drBox, Don't Miss The Opportunity...

Have all of this at your fingertips with the drBox APP!

To have something like this available in your family's life, you would need to spend about €53,700 per family member!

We know that a Health Care System like drBox, for this value, would only be available to a few!

Despite having received million-dollar proposals to sell drBox, we decided not to do so and to remain true to our principles of making Health Innovation accessible to EVERYONE.


Bonus #1

Super Family

We also want your family to be able to enjoy drBox.

Thus, we offer the possibility to add +8 family members, making a total of 9 users,

Without any additional cos, today. 

(Please note, we cannot guarantee that this super offer will remain. It may be discontinued at any time).

Bonus #2

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Make, your family's Medical Emergency Card available whenever you need it:

Appointment, Hospital Emergency, Accident, Therapy, etc.

Bonus #3

Free Storage

We offer you 100MB, Totally Free of storage, on our cloud.

Encrypted and with Blockchain, to keep all your Family's Health information in Super Safety.

(Note: Only your family has access. The drbox team does not have any access to patient data, in accordance with GDPR).


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