Teachers:  Are You Overworked and Overwhelmed?

Learn How You Can Overcome Your Overwhelm 

in 90 Seconds!

Dear Teacher,

I am committed to helping teachers overcome overwhelm. My intention is to
help you lighten your workload. And at the end of the day keep the wonder and 
curiosity of your students alive.


My name is Vivianne Winters Israel. I am a Registered Nurse of over 40 years'
and in that role I also taught. Now I write books for children.


I am passionate about crafting stories that engage children. Stories that assist
them in working through the increased social and emotional challenges
they face in our pandemic world. Books that also include features to 
lighten teacher's curriculum workload.

As I researched what teachers might value most, I was disturbed to discover
the escalation of overwork and overwhelm teachers experience surrounding
the pandemic, in addition to the toll it took on your students.

Here is what I'm offering:

  • New resources to enhance your professional life
  • Insights to help navigate dilemmas of your workday
  • Quick lessons that will matter to you in your profession

Here is the first resource available to you. The first vital resource you
can access shows you how to overcome overwhelm in 90 seconds!

Here's why overwhelm has become far too common:

  • Highly complex teaching cirricula
  • Staffing and substitute shortages
  • Loss of planning periods and personal time
  • Leaders not hearing you
  • Challenging student problems

Fortunately, there is an easy, fast, and FREE way to overcome your overwhelm 
and complete your work.

The solution is to be able to develop your personal laser focus. This resource
comes from one of my most important mentors, Dr. Paul Scheele.

Dr. Scheele is a "teacher's teacher" with over 40 years of expertise:

  • A Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University in Ohio
  • A Master's Degree Learning and Human Development Technologies
    from the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota
  • A Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the University of Minnesota

Dr. Scheele’s expertise includes:

  • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
  • Accelerated learning
  • Accessing the full abilities of the mind

Dr. Scheele makes a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world:

  • His work is translated into over 15 languages with clients in 185 countries
  • He created 60 adult learning programs for professional and personal development
  • Experts such as Jack Canfield, T.Harv Eker, and Brian Tracy have endorsed his work

Now you can learn to overcome your overwhelm and get more work done from Dr. Scheele.
And it's FREE, easy, and f a s t !

In a mere 90 seconds, Dr. Scheele's Laser Focus Process
will help you:

  • Begin your workday calm and focused 
  • Increase productivity during your lesson plan sessions
  • Shift from chaos to calm amid classroom challenges
  • Enter review meetings with a calm, focused mind
  • Maximize enjoyment of your personal time

Dr. Scheele's 90 process works like a magic reset button
for your peace of mind and to restore your body.

I've applied this 90-second process for years and know it works! I've also shared the process with enough friends and professionals to know they've reaped tremendous value.

People around the world practice this process to achieve better results and enjoy life more.

Are you ready to learn this 90-second process?

Learn Dr. Scheele's Laser Focus Process through his 

Five-Day Laser Focus Challenge.

 Ready to overcome your overwhelm in only 90 seconds?
Whenever, wherever you need?

When you join my community, you'll immediately be taken to a  "Thank You" message, where you get access to this FREE training, from Dr Scheele.

I look forward to supporting you, as a teacher, with valuable
resources from time to time.

To your personal success, well-being, and peace of mind,

Vivianne Winters Israel, R.N.
Children's Book Author