Spend 2 hours with me on May16th to become the empowered parent you want to be who is ready to take charge of your child’s education.

What You'll Learn:

  • The importance of family values and setting educational goals
  • How to set a rhythm and routine based on your child’s learning style
  • How to choose curriculum
  • How to ensure you meet your state requirements
  • How to address socialization concerns

At the end you will have a new confidence to move forward with what is best for you and your family and you will have much of the work done because it is a workshop and we will stop to reflect, write things down and answer questions.

Register here: Empowered Parent Workshop Registration

Is This Workshop For You?

If your student is dragging their feet getting ready for school each day, crying as you drop them off, bored and acting out, or behind and frustrated...

If you are concerned about unsafe behavior of other students or what your child is being taught when you can’t be in the classroom…

If you know you want to homeschool and aren't sure how to get started...

If you started homeschooling and it isn't working as smoothly as you would like...

Then this workshop is for you!

Workshop Highlights:

  • Ask questions and receive expert guidance
  • Gain access to workshop recordings for review
  • Take notes and make your plan in the workbook provided
  • Engage with a supportive community of like-minded parents

Secure Your Spot Now!

Date: Thursday May 16th

Time: 9AM-11AM PST

Location: Virtual zoom meeting - link provided the evening before the event

Cost: $33

Follow this link to grab your ticket!

Register Now

After you register you will be invited to our private Facebook where you will meet the other workshop members, ask questions, receive the training and have access to the recording for review as much as you want.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your parenting skills!