FaST Career program is created for people who need to make any business change, for all those for whom it is important to have business success completely aligned internally with them, to feel good at work. For all those who are ready for change, for people wiling to calibrate their mindset, to success and happiness at the same time. If you are open for learning and implementation of new knowledge and skills, this program will give you the necessary tools to achieve your business goals or solve everything that frustrates you in your current job. If you want to create a qualitative change in your business life, this is the right place for you.

Does this sound familiar?

    • You finally got a position you dreamed of, but you feel unfulfilled...
    • In the morning, when you think about work, you have an unpleasant feeling in your stomach or a lump in your throat...
    • You feel very tired and exhausted after work...
    • You want to change everything, and then you block yourself and do nothing...
    • You can't wait for the weekend to relax...
    • Although you seem very successful to others, you do not feel good...
    • You are afraid of losing your job, so you work like a crazy...
    • You are not satisfied with the salary and business environment...
    • You would like a better job, but change scares you and you don't know where to start...
    • On Monday mornings, you really don't like your life...
    • The boss does not respect you in the right way...
    • You want your work not to be a source of stress...
    • You don't have a clear vision and strategy for your business success...
    • Your beliefs and values are not in line with your business environment...
    • You have too many obligations and too little time...
    • Not sure how to achieve what you want...
    • You wish you could do what you love...
    • You are not happy with the position you are currently working in...
    • Your level of enthusiasm and motivation is very low...

It happens to all of us that we have a "bad" day and we can probably recognize ourselves in some of the above examples. Building a fulfilling and successful career is a long and demanding process, and it doesn't always go smoothly. However, if some of the above examples happen to you often, it is a sure sign that you need a deep analysis and change. You need to come to terms with yourself and define what is important to you and how to get there.

How FaST Career program was crated?

The program was created spontaneously, as a synergy of my professional and life knowledge and experiences...

  • Over 20 years of corporate work, in different companies and industries, starting from an entry level position, all the way to a high managerial position.
  • Many years of intensive personal development work, personal growth and progress, through various trainings and mentoring and coaching programs.
  • Fulfillment and balance of many of my life roles as mother, wife, sister, friend, with my business life.

I decided that through this program, in a specifically structured way, I would support all those who are ready for a qualitative change in their career and I will help them with:

  • the feeling of stress and frustration replaced by enthusiasm and positive energy,
  • achieve their career goals more successfully, easier and faster,
  • come back to themselves and harmonize with their valies and beliefs.

The FaST Career program can help you achieve the desired results faster and easier, using a methodology that is proven to be effective and has already been tested many times.

What is the goal of the FaST Career program?

The GOAL of the FaST Career program is to create a result just for you, through concrete and tangible improvements. The program is effective and applicable no matter where you are in your career.

In FaST Career we will cover the following areas:

  • We will start from the cross-section of the present state, complete awareness of where we are at the present moment. This first step is necessary to see where we are and what we want to improve.
  • Then we will look inside, at our internal system of values and beliefs. We will see what is important to us and that could be good basis for our vision and where we want to be in future.
  • In the next step, we will connect those two images, our present and our future position, that is, the desired state. We will learn how to create action steps and how to start the journey to your desired future.
  • We will finish with integrating everything learned and with concrete instructions on how to proceed, through strengthening and pointing out everything that is good, positive, useful and supportive. Awareness of our strengths, as well as awareness of the choices we have. We will learn what our personal super powers are.

"It's never too late to make another wish and dream another dream"


    • 6+ hours of joint work ONLINE LIVE,
    • A total of 4 zoom meetings lasting 1.5 hours each,
    • One meeting every third week,
    • Recordings of all modules + additional materials,
    • The possibility to follow the program even if you miss a live lecture,
    • Homework after each module,
    • Handouts and all necessary materials,
    • My mentorship throughout the duration of the program,

    and more:

    • One 1:1 INDIVIDUAL COACHING with me, lasting an hour.

    We focus on your FaST career!

    FaST Career will enable you to:

      • make a step in the right direction;
      • create your career path;
      • discover and remove limiting beliefs and blockages;
      • acquire the necessary knowledge and skills that give the desired results;
      • you will create new tactics and strategies that support you;
      • improve your status and position;
      • make the right decisions;
      • you begin to enjoy the process of personal growth and development.

    "We all have two lives...

    ... the second begins when we realize we only have one!!!”

    Frequently asked Q&A (questions and answers)

    During the entire duration of the program, 3 months, it takes about 2 to 4 hours per week. This includes attending Zoom, doing homework, and implementing and practicing what you have learned. You can distribute that time as you see fit, through a combination of daily and weekly activities. The more time you devote to applying what you have learned, the faster and better the results will be.

    If you can't make it to LIVE, don't worry, you'll get a recording after completing the module. However, ideally you should be present as regularly as possible.

    Of course, payments are possible via PayPal. Bank transfer costs are borne by the client. Ask what the costs are.

    There is, we have created that option as well. You can split the payment into 2 or 3 installments depending on when you start making payments. The full amount must be paid before the start of the program.

    You can pay both as an individual and as a legal entity. If you pay as a legal entity, you need to send us the invoicing information: Full name of the company, Address, PIB.


    MODULE I – 

    Awareness of the present moment

    At a start, it is crucial that we take a completely honest look at where we are, right here and in present moment. Precisely defining starting point, is an important first step. Only after that, we can move forward.

    The aim of this module is to make an honest analysis of the current situation, without sugarcoating, with as many important details as possible. Here we define the starting point of our GPS, point out what it is that we want to improve and what we want to focus on during the program. We choose a topic, that is a specific problem we want to solve or a goal we want to achieve.

    MODULE II – 

    Looking inside and connecting with yourself

    This is point where we connect with our values and beliefs. We see them through the perspective of the topic we are working on and learn to recognize our own limiting and sabotaging beliefs and values.

    The goal of this module is to "return" to yourself, in the sense of connecting with yourself on a deep level, with your internal GPS. In this way, we create motivation for our topic, which is extremely strong, because it comes from our values, and here we get an answer to the question, why this is important for me. Also, we create new, useful and supportive beliefs and values.


    Clarity of the future goal

    In this spet we clarify the difference between a wish and a goal. We define all the important segments and all the essential elements of the future goal, down to the smallest details. It represents the destination of our GPS. Because in order to get to the right place, we have to define it in as much detail as possible.

    The aim of this module is to learn how to set goals correctly and what are all the necessary elements that we must define in order to be successful. In this way, we build and increase the level of our own flexibility, because we allow ourselves to find new ways or new paths that lead us to the goal, just like a real GPS does.

    MODULE IV – 

    Our future and action steps

    Here we become aware of the importance of small, daily, consistent steps in the right direction. In line with the saying: how to eat an elephant, bite by bite, we see what we need to do to create the best possible results for us.

    The goal of this module is the integration of everything learned, through the prism of our strengths, as well as learning how to communicate it most effectively with people around us. We now have a clearly defined path and further action steps that are necessary to be successful. 

    "Everything we can imagine, we can achieve"

    NATAŠA ŠEVIĆ [email protected]

    © 2023 Sva prava zadržana -- Made with LOVE