FREE resource to support you and your child or teen to feel more confident when going to school.  

~Gives a broad overview of age appropriate adaptable tools. 

~Boosts your confidence to support your child or teen. 

~Implementing these methods will also boost your wellbeing simultaneously. 

I am an anxiety specialist working with children and young people. I have been working therapeutically with children, young people and families for over 25 years, as a result I know how life limiting, exhausting and painful anxiety can be. It is such a huge emotional challenge for families when 1 or more children struggle to attend school due to this anxiety. 

I am passionate about taking a collaborative approach and harnessing both the parents and young people's existing insight, knowledge, skills, strengths and talents. Together we create unique tools, strategies and solutions for lasting positive change.

I use a combination of Hypnotherapy (RTT method), mindfulness and therapeutic coaching.