Welcome to Impactful Change Makers!

This wonderful programme is designed to support leaders be successful at leading change. To be the change makers that support their team to succeed and thrive throughout a time of change, and to deliver change for their customers that enhances their experience of your service.

Often, we find ourselves having to make changes with the way we approach or do things in our work. That often doesn't sit well with others, whether that is customers or colleagues. This programme has been created to support leaders bring the best of their leadership qualities to the table to navigate the choppy waters of managing and leading change.

Leadership requires a lot of self-reflection. Being aware of different leadership styles will support our ability to bring the required leadership skills to the table when required. Knowing our teams strengths and weaknesses also allows us to best use our skillset to enhance the process of change.

Teams look to leaders to fix issues for them. They look to leaders to make things great for them, but they often blame leaders when things don't go well, or when we go through a process of change.

This programme will help you manage yourself as a leader. It will share with you tips, tricks, theory and tools to keep you on your A game during the process of leading change.

The aims of Impactful Change Maker are:

1. To nurture participant's self assurance in key processes and practices associated with guiding change.

2. To encourage participants to thoughtfully explore various literature and research, creating meaningful connections to inform and enrich their leadership practices.

3. To strengthen participant's capacity to guide improvement priorities, fostering a positive impact on colleagues and enhancing customer experiences.

4. To support participants in expressing their understanding of their role in change leadership, prompting reflection on how this has influenced the contributions of others in their specific context.

Impactful Change Maker is  ideally run as a group programme within an organisation, or it can be delivered virtually.

The programme always has the following content:

✔️ Identifying our professional and personal values to support us throughout the change process.

✔️ Identifying what our vision is and how we can share that with our teams.

✔️ Immersing ourselves in the varying theories of change and identifying our own preferred models.

✔️ Identifying the different leadership styles and those that work best in difference contexts.

✔️ Valuing the importance of relationships and being actively mindful our our own unconscious bias and how this impacts on our relationships and decision making.

✔️ How we support the wellbeing of our teams without taking on their monkeys.

✔️ How emotionally intelligent are we and how can we develop that at work.

✔️ Knowing it's okay to not know it all! Using our strengths and skills of our  team members is the only way! 

✔️ Gathering the impact of evidence throughout the change process - what's helpful and what's not.

Additional extras available

These additional extras can also be provided by Sharon Smith as part of the Impactful Change Makers programme.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Individual coaching sessions are available for those who wish a more specific and in-depth opportunity to work on their leadership approaches, how to achieve their goals, or on any other issue they would wish to discuss.

ICM Action Learning Set

ICM Action Learning Sets offer participants the opportunity to come together regularly, either virtually or in person, and use the knowledge of the other programme participants with whom they have built a confidential and trusting relationship, to help solve challenges in their roles. The process of these meetings is carefully facilitated by the programme leader to ensure that the session remains positive and solution-focused.

Follow Up Sessions

Follow up sessions are available to check in with participants, and take the opportunity to review where they are again in the year, and look to revise and reignite once again. This not only boosts productivity, but ensures employees feel valued and listened to.

Are you loving what you've read so far? Is this just what you need?

This programme supports leaders step into their power and confidence and guides them to lead change the best way they possibly can.

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If you're thinking this programme would be wonderful, but you're not sure as to how it would work for you or your organisation...

I'm always happy to tailor what I offer to any company's requirements. If you'd like to explore alternative options, do not hesitate to get in touch for a conversation.