It feels like you're doing all the right things but you're still making just enough money to keep the lights on, pay for your kid to play soccer, and buy yourself a fancy coffee on special occasions.  So how on earth are you ever going to afford a vacation?  To buy a house?  To actually save for retirement?  

It might be simpler than you think.  Join the 3 Days to $1K Challenge to create your own road map to finally having the overflow you need to be able to fund the full life you desire. 

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3 Days to $1K Challenge

Finding (or creating) an extra $1,000 per month consistently

Day 1: Plug the drain.

We can add more income but if you don't plug the drain, you won't be able to keep very much of it. 

Day 2: Unlocking your income potential.

Leaving no money on the table. Let's go get your money!

Day 3: Now that you've got it, don't lose it.

We just found your extra $1K per month, now comes the important part, what to do with it?