The following course descriptions provide only a partial listing of the courses available from PBI Publications.

New courses are added often, and some courses must occassionaly be replaced due to a book going out of print, etc. Be sure to contact us to check availability before ordering.

  * These courses have a Teacher Kit available for classroom use.


* GB 101—Basic Bible Doctrine

This course covers important Bible doctrines, including the attributes of God, the person and work of Christ, the ministry of the Holy Spirit; and teachings regarding man, Satan, angels, the church, and end-time events. Added emphasis is placed on Christian living.

* GB 103—Bible Study Methods

Effective personal Bible study is essential for spiritual growth.What are the essential guidelines that will help you in your quest for the Truth that is found in Scripture? How can you learn to get into the Bible until the Bible gets into you?

* GB 105—Humility

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:6). The Lord desires to exalt you! And He will, after your natural pride is replaced with His supernatural humility. In this crucial course, Andrew Murray and others provide great insight from God’s word on the pivotal ingredient of true Christianity.

* GB 125—The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a divine Person, equal with the Father and with the Son in the Godhead. He is not an “it” nor an undefined “spirit just floating out there”. Believers are sealed and indwelt by the Spirit, sanctified with the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit. The student will enjoy Theodore Epp’s balanced look at the attributes and work of the Third Person of the Godhead, firmly grounded in Biblical truth.

GB 127—Christ’s Second Coming

“Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not” (Luke 12:40). More than 300 verses in the New Testament remind us that Jesus is coming again! The second coming of Jesus Christ is the blessed hope of every Christian. R.A. Torrey, Hugh Pyle and others give a careful exploration of this imporant and interesting topic.

* GB 202—Key Words of the Christian Life

This doctrinal word study based on the work of Warren Wiersbe covers such topics as justification, adoption, regeneration, propitiation, imputation, sanctification, reconciliation, redemption, intercession, mediation, predestination, and glorification. This course is designed to deepen the student’s walk with Christ.

GB 203— Heaven and Hell

Heaven is real; so is hell. And everyone will spend forever in one or the other. Therefore, it is vital that we learn what the Bible says about each of these eternal places. This knowledge can fuel our belief-system to help us answer mankind’s most compelling faith questions. Dr. John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson and others contribute to these crucial studies.

* GB 205—Present Labor & Future Rewards

When will we be judged? How does God chasten believers? Is sickness a result of sin? What kind of rewards will believers receive? How can I be sure of receiving a Crown? This course answers questions like these, as well as others frequently asked about future judgment and preparation for it. Based on the research of Theodore H. Epp and Curtis Hutson.

GB 211— Basic Theology

What is Theology? Who is the God of the Bible? Is He actively involved in today’s world? Does He know all about me? What does the Bible say about the Trinity? This course gives scriptural answers using the insight of R.A. Torrey and others. Every Christian needs to be firmly grounded in Biblical theology for their personal walk. These “basics” form the core beliefs that are to be shared with the unsaved.

* GB 212—Christ Our Sufficiency

How is Christ our sufficiency? Evangelist Oliver B. Greene demonstrates that the Believer’s needs are fulfilled in Christ as Savior, Redeemer, Advocate, Great High Priest, Life, Lord, and Hope. He is our all in all. The Apostle Peter testifies, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3). This course declares the full breadth of this foundational truth.

* GB 222—Bible and Prayer

A rewarding study about prayer in the life of the believer. Includes 30 aspects of prayer such as: the purpose of prayer, the preparation for prayer, the power of prayer, private prayer, public prayer, and the perfect prayer.

* GB 301—Bible Times and Customs

Knowing Oriental manners and customs is basic to understanding the Bible. This course deals with subjects such as customs at mealtime, education of youth, trades and professions, customs regarding marriage and property, along with many more.

GB 311—Eternal Security

Can salvation be lost or is it truly eternal? This course provides the believer with comprehensive Biblical teaching on such issues as assurance, doubts, the “unpardonable sin”, “grace vs. works” and more. Charles Stanley and Curtis Hutson lay out the teaching that could revolutionize the joy of your faith.

GB 322P — Joy in Your Life

Has life got you down? Are you feeling overwhelmed? We know that the joy of the Lord is the Christian’s strength, but sometimes it seems so illusive. This course offers timeless, Biblical teaching from Vance Havner and Charles Spurgeon. Learn how to receive, keep and share an abiding joy that will remain despite the struggles and trials of daily living.

* GB 405—Christian Warfare

The Christian life is a warfare, not a picnic. We are called to be soldiers, and this course identifies our enemies, shows how we should fight, and describes the conditions for victory. Authors and prayer warriors E.M. Bounds, J.Vernon McGee, and Roy C. Putnam share Biblical teachings on the Christian’s most potent weapon—prayer.

GB 415—Listening to God

God wants to communicate with us! But often the clamor of many other voices leave us confused and frustrated. In this practical course, Dr. Charles Stanley shows us what the Bible says about how to distinguish God’s voice from the others. Your relationship and attitude to God can be free from distortion. Learn to listen to the God who wants to speak to you.


* OT 101—Old Testament Survey, Course 1

Any higher Biblical education is not complete without an Old Testament Survey course. This course summarizes the overall contents of the first 17 books of the Old Testament (Genesis-Esther). Many Christians wrongly believe that the Old Testament contains nothing relevant for today. In truth, the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said that He came not to abolish the OT but to fulfill it.

* OT 102—Old Testament Survey, Course 2

This survey course covers Job through Malachi. Bible students must know the OT to fully understand the New Testament.

* OT 203—Book of Ruth

J.Vernon McGee leads this study on the Romance of Redemption. Is there any more memorable statement of faith than Ruth’s “..thy people shall be my people, and thy God shall be my God.”? This woman of faith lost her husband and came out of the idolatrous land of Moab only to be remarried to Boaz. We have much to learn from this ancestor in the line of Jesus our Lord. Redemption is only possible through a Kinsman-Redeemer. The student will gain a fuller appreciation of our Redeemer—Jesus.

* OT 205—Nehemiah

Have you known people who are able to “make a difference” even in the most difficult situations? Nehemiah was that kind of person. He was a layman called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. In spite of opposition he stayed on the job and finished the work. God is continuously looking for “Nehemiahs”—people with vision, courage, and faith. Our Father uses men and women who see possibilities and believe that God can use them. In this Bible study, Warren W. Wiersbe will inspire the student to be determined in life’s tough situations. Pick up your sword!

* OT 207—Book of Esther

God’s hand of providence and protection on behalf of His people is evident throughout the Book of Esther, though His name does not appear even once. In this study, J. Vernon McGee helps us understand some of the riches and valuable lessons from this great story.

* OT 213—Christ in the Tabernacle

Theodore Epp reveals how Christ is portrayed in every aspect of the tabernacle God commanded Moses to build. This will allow the student to understand not only the rich symbolism of this structure but also its relevance to our personal worship of God through Christ.

OT 311—Psalms, Course I

The book of Psalms is the very heartbeat of God’s Word. The Book of Psalms shows us the truth about sorrow, love, grief, peace, fear, doubt, hope, cares, faith, worries, and stress. The student’s appreciation of Psalms will abound even before finishing this course on the first 72 Psalms.

OT 314—Psalm 23

* Shepherd Phillip Keller shares his insights into the life and character of shee—and of the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for them. This course is sure to open the student’s understanding of Psalm 23 like never before. Oliver B. Greene and Robert S. Peterson round out the instruction in this much appreciated course.

* OT 315—Proverbs

“Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.” This is one of the many profound insights J.Vernon McGee offers in his commentary on the book of Proverbs. During this study you will gain the tools of interpretation needed to dig out the spiritual treasures of God’s wisdom found in Proverbs. The diligent student is given a promise from God to understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

* OT 401—Study of Daniel

In this course, Warren Wiersbe helps us to learn valuable lessons from the Book of Daniel, such as the joy of building godly character in the difficulties of life, how to overcome the “world”, the importance of daily discipline in the Bible and prayer, and how to be a “transformer” rather than a conformer.

OT 404—Ecclesiastes

Using your Bible, along with commentary by Warren Wiersbe and others, the study of this Old Testament book provides an inspired road map that guides you through the puzzles and problems of living and shows you the source for satisfaction that God first revealed to Solomon.

* OT 411—Book of 1 Samuel

David was a man after God’s own heart. Wiersbe’s fascinating study of 1 Samuel examines how being a follower after the Lord’s own heart made David a true success. The powerful narrative of 1 Samuel helps us to understand how character and greatness is developed.

* OT 412—Book of 2 Samuel

Get ready to be inspired by the timeless story of God’s grace and redemption in 2 Samuel! Through this engaging study, Warren Wiersbe will help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s loving character and His desire to restore all that is broken. Join us for an unforgettable journey into the heart of God!


* NT 101—New Testament Survey

Since the entire New Testament is vital to the life of every Christian, it is important to have a bird’s eye view of the “lay of the land”. New Testament Survey provides a blueprint of the purpose, background and contents of all 27 books. It will prepare and encourage you to take a closer look at the riches found in each of these books.

* NT 131—Gospel of Mark

J.Vernon McGee is quoted as saying, “There is probably more content in the first chapter of Mark than any other chapter in the Bible.” Mark reveals that in spite of Jesus’ busy life, He took time to pray. This verse by verse, chapter by chapter exploration spans Mark’s recounting of the prophecies of Isaiah and Malachi through John the Baptist ending with the Resurrection of Jesus. Have you studied this Gospel?

* NT 133—Jesus, The Vine

Are you ready to break through to the abundant life? Do you want to experience the joy of making maximum impact for God? The key is found in learning to abide in Jesus, the True Vine. This study from John 15:1-16 explores the teaching of our Lord on the vine and the branches. Discover the fullness of God’s merciful lovingkindness and the blessings of a fruitful life through timeless truths presented by Bruce Wilkinson and Andrew Murray.

* NT 205—Christ’s Words from the Cross

This unique and rewarding study discusses the seven sayings Christ spoke while on the Cross. This course is based on the research of Russell Bradley Jones and Warren W. Wiersbe.

* NT 211—I Corinthians

The study of this New Testament epistle will help believers discern the difference between man’s knowledge and God’s wisdom. In his commentary, Warren Wiersbe points out that Corinth was not much different from our world today; it was populous, proud, prosperous, philosophical and polluted. And the Corinthian church had its share of problems, but God in His wisdom had the answer...just as He does for us today!

* NT 221—Revelation

A captivating study of future events as portrayed in the greatest book of prophecy including the rapture, great tribulation, millennium, Great White Throne Judgment and the new heaven and earth. In this course, J. Vernon McGee takes a pre-tribulation and premillennial viewpoint.

NT 304—I Peter

Using your Bible and commentary by Warren Wiersbe, the study of this New Testament book shows believers how to be hopeful and triumphant, no matter what trials we may face. We can prepare for the best of God’s blessings even if the world attempts to overwhelm us with fears and the worst of man’s hatred.

* NT 311—Book of Hebrews

In this course, Warren Wiersbe explores the riches of one of the most important Books in the Bible. He shows us that Hebrews is loaded with spiritual truth accessible to any believer looking to grasp the importance of faith. Penned at a politically unstable time, Hebrews targets believers tempted to abandon their faith and slip back into the rules and regulations of Judaism.

* NT 316—Colossians

The All-Sufficient Christ by Theodore Epp illuminates the spiritual truths that are packed into the book of Colossians. Often overlooked because it is relatively short, Colossians demonstrates that Christ is all a Believer needs. This course refutes false teaching and shows the Christian how to live based on sound doctrine. The student will gain a greater realization of what the Bible means when it says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1.27).

* NT 401—Book of Philippians

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” is Paul’s fully surrendered statement of faith. Is it yours? Theodore Epp and J. Vernon McGee discuss how Christ is preeminent in all things and how we can see Him as our life, our mind, our goal and our strength. Philippians deals with the philosophy, pattern, prize, and power for Christian living. The Christian will benefit tremendously from this study.

* NT 402—Seven Churches of Revelation

In addition to the historical significance, this study includes Vance Havner’s hard-hitting Revival Messages from God’s letters to the seven churches.

* NT 405—Pastoral Epistles

In this study of 1-2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon, Warren Wiersbe emphasizes that nothing takes the place of faithfulness. The greatest ability you can have is dependability. This course will help you understand a local church’s ministry and encourage you to be faithful to the Word, to your tasks and to other people.

* NT 406—1 & 2 Thessalonians

In this course, Warren W. Wiersbe shows how a study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians provides both prophetical and practical lessons. The focus in these books is not on what the return of Jesus Christ will mean to us in the future. Rather, it is on how this subject can be a dynamic in our lives and in the ministry of our churches today.

* NT 408—Book of Romans

Understanding the Book of Romans can give a key to understanding the rest of the Bible. It can also provide the key to successful Christian living. In this course, Warren W. Wiersbe introduces you to the main message of this great epistle, and how it applies to your life today.


* CS 225—Joshua

Joshua, a man of faith and courage, leads a rebellious people into a hostile land. Disciplined and obedient, he conquers and possesses it. In this course, Theodore H. Epp uses Joshua’s example to challenge the Christian today to live a productive, victorious life.

* CS 301—The Apostles

Can you name all 12 Apostles? (Without looking!) More importantly, what do you know about the life and character of these men? Each one was specially chosen by Jesus. They ‘left all’ to follow Him. In this course, Tom Malone and others open up their lives as they actually were—the good and the bad. The student will likely see his own reflection in the lives of some of these Apostles.

* CS 302—Peter, Paul & John the Baptist

This course emphasizes F. B. Meyer’s insights into the lives of three great New Testament men of faith.

CS 305—Elijah

“Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months” (James 5:17). The prophet is studied in his strengths and his weaknesses, his enormous victories and his deep despair, his times of waiting and his moments of glory. Based on the work of F. B. Meyer.

CS 313—Life of Joseph

Imagine the thoughts of Joseph while at the bottom of the pit, serving as a slave, or residing in jail. “Why Lord? This doesn’t reflect the dream you gave me!” But God planned it for good. Even in trying circumstances, he could see God’s hand on his life. A practical study tracing the events, circumstances, and results in the life of Joseph. Special emphasis is given to Joseph as a type of Christ.

CS 402—Personalities around Paul

This tremendous course, based on the research of D. Edmond Hiebert, focuses on more than a hundred people who God used to influence the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul.

CS 414—Lessons from the Life of Job

“Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb?”, the cries of Job. Like Job, we are seldom able to explain the purposes of our own suffering. James reminds us that we have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord - that He is very compassionate and merciful. Theodore Epp presents and exposition on the life of Job.


BL 121—Intro. to Greek Word Studies

Why study Greek? The purpose of this course is to show the riches of the Greek New Testament and to provide spiritual food and help to those who study the Bible. This study demonstrates that the student can discover richer meaning in Scripture from the Greek language.


* CE 111—Character Development

Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. said, “Your character is what God knows you to be; your reputation is what men think you are.” Abraham Lincoln put it this way: “Character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” This dynamic study concentrates on the Biblical attributes, attitudes, and actions of a maturing Christian; and how one may obtain them.

CE 112—Introduction to Elementary Education

A useful course in lesson planning, classroom management, discipline, room arrangement, and student motivation. Attention is given to student needs, slow learners, and interpersonal relationships.

CE 116—Intro. to Early Childhood Education

An overview of the philosophies, content and methods for training preschool and kindergarten children. Learn techniques of teaching through the use of story, pictures, art materials, music, blocks, and more. This course is a tool that can help you as a teacher of young children.

CE 221—Laws of Teaching and Learning

This course is designed for every parent, teacher, pastor, leader, coach, or mentor. This course outlines seven proven, easy-to-grasp principles developed by Dr. Howard Hendricks. Learn to teach with power and passion. Teaching techniques aimed at changing lives.

CE 312P —Teaching Elementary Language Arts

This valuable course offers practical help for teaching all aspects of the language arts to young students in Christian schools. It shows the teacher how to help each student cultivate skills in the areas of grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading, literature, poetry, writing and penmanship. This course uses the Language Arts Handbook for Christian School Teachers (a PBU publication) by Michelle Lea Bullock.

* CE 321—Christ, the Teacher

In every respect Jesus was the ideal teacher. He presented unique teaching that caused people to recognize something was different. This course delivers an analytical study of teaching techniques used by Jesus. Learn how Jesus used the lecture method, how He captured interest, used illustrations and paradoxes, even asking questions, making commendations and rebukes, that produced disciples.

CE 401—Learning Styles

Effective teaching begins with knowing the student’s learning style. Once understood, parents and teachers can become far more effective in helping children grasp confusing concepts, stay interested in lessons, and utilize their strengths. Study the five learning styles: how the mind works, ideal study environments, strategies for remembering, learning and study skills, and areas of intelligence.
CE 431—Family Financial Management

Based on the research of Larry Burkett, this practical course deals with Biblical principles of managing money in the home. Attention is given to the proper attitude toward finances, the church and money, insurance and investing, borrowing and lending, and business ethics.


* CM 101—Spiritual Leadership

God’s church has never had a greater need for divinely-empowered leaders! These classic studies by Oswald Sanders and R. A. Torrey are recognized by many of today’s Christian leaders as the foremost works on this subject. They plainly convey how spiritual leaders may obtain God’s wisdom and power to serve Him effectively.

CM 102—Your Calling, Passion & Purpose

How are you? Christian motivational author Zig Ziglar would answer, “Better than good!” Learn the three “P’s” of an inspired life: Passion, Peak-performance, Purpose. You have a call. Are you willing to hear it? Making life count is not so much about what you do as how you do it. And why. Equipped ministers know their spiritual purpose in life and God’s calling on their life. They understand for Whom they live and breathe. It’s time to get motivated for these last days. Endurance and perseverance will follow. Clear your mind of failure-prone thinking. Redefine your understanding of success and walk in victory.

CM 201—Children’s Ministries

Creative resources to better equip any teacher who works with children in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Children’s Church, or kid’s club ministry.

CM 203—Jail Ministry

More than one in every 100 American adults is in jail or prison. With more than 2.3 million people behind bars they represent a large and captive population for ministry. Covering various aspects of ministering to inmates in prison or jail this course includes preparation, do’s and don’ts, types of ministries, reaching the correctional officers, and involving others. Jail ministry is often the catalyst for church growth. Are you called inside to free the captives? Find out.

CM 301—Effective Women’s Ministries

In this course, Jill Briscoe, Laurie Katz McIntyre and Beth Seversen share tips and techniques for establishing groups and programs that meet the needs of today’s women. The book shows how to develop programs that are specifically tailored to your church and your community.

CM 303—Church Management

Faith, Theology, and Calling are assumed necessities for a pastor. However, pastoral effectiveness is often hampered by inferior skills in church management. In this course, pastors Don Cousins, Leith Anderson, and Arthur DKruyter share decades of experience—victories and mistakes—that will help the Christian leader who desires to master church management. “And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.” Ex 18:20

CM 308—Church Music Ministry

Music ministry goes beyond musical ability. Philosophy, policies and practices should be created and followed. The purpose of music ministry is to bring honor to Christ, not simply entertain or lead songs. In this course Lindsay Terry offers practical ideas, methods and plans to help church leaders in every area of a music ministry. Music is the universal language of mankind and God is the author. Man is to praise God in song.


PM 111—Following God’s Will

This course begins with an examination of John MacArthur’s short classic, Found— God’s Will, on how to discover the direction and purpose God has for your life. It then continues with Paul Chappell’s discussion of seven Biblical keys for staying on “The Right Path” in your life and ministry.

PM 221—Biblical Leadership

In this dynamic study, John MacArthur teaches us the spiritual (and practical) leadership principles that Paul learned from the Lord, and then modeled for us. The Bible makes it clear that character—not style, not technique, not methodology, but character—is the true biblical test of all great leadership, in the church and out. Learn 26 characteristics of a true leader.

PM 221—Sermon Preparation

Preaching is the proclamation of the Good News of salvation; the very truth of God through man to men. The preacher is separated by God for the specific work of preaching the Gospel. Every message the preacher delivers ought to be stamped with his own personality and expressed in his own way. Take this close examination of expository preaching with emphasis on the preparation, process, and organization needed to prepare effective sermons.

PM 225—Pastoral Ministry

This course represents an incisive, introductory examination of the nuts and bolts of pastoral ministry. Based on the research of two well-known “Pastor’s pastors,” (Howard R. Sugden and Warren W. Wiersbe), it answers questions covering every aspect of ministry with tried and true advice. Topics include the call to ministry or a new church, meeting with the pulpit committee, getting a new pastorate off the ground, starting a building program, counseling, deaths and funerals, budgeting time and finances, personal matters, and much more.

PM 302—Mastering Pastoral Counseling

There is likely no stickier area of pastoral ministry than counseling. Traps abound. Mistakes will be made. The counseling pastor is in great demand today. How can a devoted pastor combine Biblical teaching with the counseling touch? Archibald D. Hart, Gary L. Gulbranson, and Jim Smith combine decades of experience in pastoral counseling to give the student of a wealth of godly wisdom. “The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever...” (Psalm 33:11).

PM 303—Power for God’s Work

Based on works by Charles Stanley, D. L. Moody and others, this course will challenge Christian workers to a life and ministry with the power of the Holy Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit will bring joy, peace and victory within the life of any believers, and will also empower Christian workers to successfully reach and teach others for our Lord.


* CC 105—Overcoming Obstacles

Every believer has “giants” that need to be conquered in their lives. Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us to stand valiantly and seek God’s power to slay these giants. This course weaves gripping, real-life stories of contemporary giant slayers who came face-to-face with their own Goliaths: temptation, doubt, procrastination, and jealousy. In each, you will discover afresh the eternal unwavering promise of God to overcome those giants.

* CC 112—Winning Over Worry

Uncontrolled worry corrodes the joy of living and brings about deterioration of mind and body. The world tries to solve these problems with temporary, partial quick-fixes (often resorting to medication that may even lead to substance abuse). Any non-biblical approach will ultimately just give the worrier more to worry about. People are desperate for a total solution, and that can only be found through God’s peace principles as revealed in His Word. This course uses a classic best seller by John E. Haggai and a small booklet by Charles Weigle to equip the counselor to point others to worry-free living.

CC 114—The Five Love Languages

In this course, Dr. Gary Chapman discusses five languages that married couples can use to express heartfelt communication to their mates—and how to learn which of these languages your mate will best understand. Incredible insight from Scripture that can help your own marriage and that of any couple you counsel.

* CC 201—Principles of Spiritual Growth

The aim of this course is to carefully bring out important principles of spiritual growth. You’ll be inspired by this practical study of various aspects of the Christian life by outstanding servants of God, such as Miles Stanford, Ruth Paxon, E.J. Daniels, and others.

CC 203—Success God’s Way

Can success and a godly life truly be reconciled? Yes! God desires for His people to be successful and He is committed to helping His people become successful. True principles of success are only those based upon God’s Word. Dr. Charles Stanley discusses Biblical truths for achieving true contentment and purpose in life.

CC 225—The Gift of Forgiveness

In this course Dr. Charles Stanley shares the specifics of how to receive God’s forgiveness, and addresses such issues as how to practice a life of forgiveness in terms of relationships and how to make forgiveness an ongoing, practical experience. Helping others deal with unforgiveness and bitterness is one of the most important tasks Christian counselors face today.

CC 302—The Bible and Emotional Health

In this course, David Seamands’ classic work is used to present a realistic, Scriptural approach that can bring emotional healing for us, and to provide a useful tool for the counselor to help in the emotional healing of fellow strugglers. In addition, Craig Massey’s Bible study on Romans 7 helps us to understand the war that is being fought within each Christian in his examination of the two natures. He shows that believers must learn to adjust, or they will self-destruct.

CC 311—Counseling the Bereaved

“Ministering to the grief of those left behind following the death of a loved one is never an easy task. Our world is growing more complicated, the challenges are becoming greater, and the situations people face, more intense.” This practical course uses insight from Warren and David Wiersbe to provide a comprehensive and scriptural resource for pastors and church leaders who counsel people who mourn. It shows how to comfort people through the grieving process and how to minister in a wide variety of situations to those who are dealing with death.

CC 312—God’s Strength for Life’s Journey

Emotional baggage becomes bondage. Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives and set at liberty those who are oppressed. In this course, Dr. Charles Stanley shares from God’s Word how he discovered the source of true strength in hia own life and ministry. Learn how to receive and use God’s strength for the journey of life.

CC 402—Biblical View of Suicide

Presenting Scriptural answers for both the suicidal and for those suffering its aftermath, this course provides a useful resource for counseling with people who may be affected by this issue.

* CC 405—Handling Adversity

This course is based on How to Handle Adversity by Charles Stanley. When troubles come, we usually ask why. But the more significant question is “How should I respond?” This course can help you personally and can provide a Biblical resource for you in counseling with others.

* CC 411—The Biblical Family

A church can only be as strong as its homes. A nation’s future is largely determined by the present health of its homes. A healthy home is defined by its conformance to Biblical principles. Exactly what is a Biblical family? Adrian Rogers and others give the student a timeless message of family as designed by God. Family is the basic unit of society. “...Not only a helpful course to build the student’s family...helps equip family counselors...”


EM 112—The New Birth

Did our Lord Jesus Christ come to this world—suffer and die on the Cross—just to make people moral? Or did He come to do more than that? Today’s soul winner needs to be able to communicate what it means to be born again and what will follow. Can you give solid Biblical answers to questions on such topics as redemption, Christianity, the second blessing and suffering in the life of a believer? This course is based on classic sermons by Evangelist Oliver B. Greene, and can better equip the student to know how to “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15)

* EM 120P — Personal Evangelism

George W. Truett said “the bringing of a soul to Jesus is the highest achievement possible to a human life.” Personal soul winning is the most exciting, the most fulfilling and the most rewarding work a Christian ever does. So why do so few Christians win souls to Christ? One reason may be that they do not know how. In this course R. A. Torrey and others provide valuable tools to show you how to become a dynamic witness for our Lord.

EM 201—Child Evangelism

Any Christian can lead a child to Christ! It is a unique opportunity given by the Holy Spirit. A little child can believe in Christ. Some say he can’t; Jesus says he can. It is easier to win a child than to win an adult. People saved while a child have a much greater chance of a lifetime of service for the Lord. Discover effective ways to gently point children toward Christ and the salvation He offers.

EM 311—Biblical Basis of Missions

The Biblical basis of missions is much deeper than the Great Commission Bible verse. Matthew 29:18-19 is one of the most widely used church mission statements. But what of the actual involvement in missions by the church members? Does the Bible have more to teach about missions? Certainly. Dr. Robert Glover’s classic work gives attention to a wide range of missionary subjects ranging from intercessory prayer to world evangelism.

* EM 411—Discipleship Training

A relevant study for training in discipleship. It includes an investigation of the early church, the process of making disciples, and the elements of leadership training. Special emphasis is also given to the problem of materialism in the life of modern Christians.


* SC 208—Bible and Science

Based on research by Henry Morris, this study covers the harmony between science and the Bible, the problem with the theory of evolution, the validity of the flood, Biblical archaeology, and scientific insights into prophecy.

SC 408—The Battle for the Beginning

Based on John MacArthur’s book by the same title, this eye-opening course deals with creation, evolution and the Bible. It vividly shows how the very foundations of our faith depend on the literal truth of the first three chapters of Genesis.

* SS 351—God in American History

Is America a Christian Nation? There is much discourse in the public square over this topic. What are the facts? A view of history that proves our American heritage is a Christian heritage. This course shows, based on extensive research, the close relationship between God and the founding and development of our country.

SS 415—Biographies of Christians

Great evangelists were called from their hour of deepest conviction of sin eventually to the “hallelujah” hours of conquests for Christ. You will meet nearly fifty giants of the faith converted from a variety of places such as the gold coast, the gutter, Sunday schools, sawdust trails, skid rows, even the sidewalk and brothels. You will walk with them through their stories of revival and preaching to multitudes.

* SS 425—Church History (Baptist View)

A unique study of the fascinating men and women who lived and died standing for God’s truth in the development of His churches, from the days of Christ to the modern era.

Graduate-level Courses

In addition, more advanced courses are available, recommended for graduate-level studies. A few examples are listed below. These titles may require use of the Nelson King James Study Bible and feature the work of authors mentioned), such as:

Joshua, Lessons on Leadership (Henry Blackaby)

Gospel of Luke (J. Vernon McGee)

Practical Lessons from James (Theodore Epp)

Book of Revelation (Tim LaHaye)

Doctrinal Theology (Billy Graham)

Biblical Answers (Torrey and others)

Kingdom Authority (Dr. Adrian Rogers)

Christian Approach to Education

Spiritual Power in Teaching (Roy B. Zuck)

Teaching for Life Change (edited by Bruce Wilkinson)

Mentoring and Modeling (Goetsch and Rasmussen)

Confident Pastoral Leadership (John R. Bisagno)

Servant Leadership (Paul Chappell)

Counseling the Depressed (Edward T. Welch)

The Soul Winner (Charles Spurgeon)

Life of David (Theodore Epp)

Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon (J. Vernon McGee)

Old Testament Bible People

New Testament Bible Characters

Angelology (David Jeremiah)

Pneumatology - The Holy Spirit (Billy Graham)

The Effective Pastor (Robert C. Anderson)

Addiction Counseling (Edward T. Welch)


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