So you want more?

You're in the right place.

I know you value your role as a manager, but I also know it feels a little scary. You feel the weight of responsibility managing your team, and you've not quite mastered how to manage, never mind lead.

Let's face it, so many of us are promoted to a team leader/ manager role without any experience in managing, and the thought of 'leading' seems alien to you.

I know you want to do your best, that's why you are curious - that's why you're here.

And this is where it can all change for you! 

Lean into Leadership is a virtual group coaching programme, run over Zoom. The sessions will be fortnightly and a recording of the session will be sent out to you in case you can't make a session. Each session will last for 90 mins, and will be run on different times and days to allow for maximum attendance. The sessions will begin w/b 21st October 2024.

I am opening spaces for up to 10 people so that we get the opportunity to be together on screen, but also to feel as though we have built a community.

Each session will include some learning, some pairing off into virtual rooms, and also some hot seating, where you will have the chance to be coached through anything that comes up for you in the session. You will receive guidance from myself, Sharon Smith, as well as the valuable input from others in the group. More on the session content below ⬇️

Lean into Leadership is currently being offered at £333! There will be an increase in cost to £597 for any future cohorts, so please don't miss out on this opportunity. Please note that your employer may be interested in paying this fee for you, so please check to see if there is a CPD budget.

For this cohort of Lean into Leadership I will give you FREE lifetime access to my brand new self-led programme COACH TO LEAD - 5 modules of videos and booklets that will help transform your conversations as a leader into coaching conversations that will help your teams grow and develop. The retail price for COACH TO LEAD will be £197 once it is offered publicly. You will be getting it for FREE! This will be sent over to you at the end of our time together, and you will have lifetime access to it. There will also be access to a closed Facebook Group where you can build community with the others in the programme.

So that's not all. I'm also offering you the opportunity to level up and purchase a 1x 90 minute 1:1 coaching session with me, plus access to me via Voxer for inbox support throughout our time together, for £199. This is amazing value for money!

So what will we cover in LEAN INTO LEADERSHIP?

Session 1

We'll take time to self-reflect on our own journeys so far and identify what is important to us as leaders, and where we are in that journey towards our own success. We'll look at our limiting beliefs and see how we can change their narrative.

Session 2

We'll focus on building trust, being vulnerable as leaders and leaving the bind of micro-managing behind. We'll even take a peek at boundary setting. We'll look at decision-making and trusting our intuition.

Session 3

Communication is key to leadership. In this session we'll focus on how we communicate, how we feedback to our teams, and how we begin to create a coaching culture. We'll also touch on 1:1s and professional development.

Session 4

Collaboration and having a voice is key for our teams to grow. In this session we will be working on how we, as leaders, facilitate the growth of ideas and provide opportunities for team growth.  

Session 5

Finding balance in our leadership is key. We'll take some time to look at our energy as leaders and also how we can use our energy better to be heart-centred leaders. 

It's time for you to LEAN IN

I know you might get there in the end on your own, but I also know how much I suffered when I danced that dance alone, thinking I could do it come hell or high water. I took so much longer to build my confidence, so much longer drowning with lack of direction, and so much longer hustling. I was exhausted, and imposter syndrome was eating me up inside.

Don't face your leadership in isolation. Join me in LEAN INTO LEADERSHIP and use the power of the collective to help you grow and evolve into the leader you want to be. 

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Lean into Leadership

Lean into Leadership is a 5 session group coaching programme for managers who wish to lead better.

333.00 GBP

Thank you for your purchase!

I'm SO excited you are joining me!

I'll be emailing you soon with more information. Should you need to get in touch with me in the meantime my email is [email protected]

See you soon!

Sharon x