Welcome to the next level of attraction, where you meet your Manifesting Magic!   Actualize your soul aligned purpose to bring you more soul aligned relationships, opportunities, and fulfillment. Let's clear where you're blocked, at the root!  


Schedule your one hour session on my calendar once you enter your contact information.  Details for sessions are listed below.


Payment must be received within 15 minutes of scheduling or the appointment will be cancelled.  Pricing menu is below.


Here are the ways to work with me 1:1 from 15 minutes to an eight session prpgram

Unblock Your Attraction Force to BridgeThe Divides

Bridging the Divide in these crazy ass times we currently live in accelerated ascension is my jam.    Clearing the blocks, curses, vows, karic imprints in soul blueprints is my genius.  I love what I do in service to the planet, humanity, while honoring our soul contract to be here.  I work in the Dark, the Void, the Gaps... the places in between that are invisible to most, so that you don't have to go on living your life unfulfilled, limited and dissatisfied.  Whether that looks like frustration, disappointment, lack, or unconscious chaos... I got you covered!

In addition to all that, wouldn't it be so great to sense, feel, and have a part in bringing down the walls that are so up in our families, communities and world right now?  Yes!  Clearing your own soul blueprint has impact in the collective.