Start Your Notion Creator Business, Build An Authentic Brand, & Unlock Endless Opportunities Online

(Even If You Think It's Saturated)

A FREE email course breaking down everything you need to build a successful Notion Creator Brand, grow an online audience with ease, & monetize with the right offer stack.

Created by Notionery

We've worked with over 1,000+ Notion Creators thanks to founding one of the first Notion template marketplaces

There is always one thing that they struggle with the most:

Confidence, clarity, and execution around their brand, content, and products.

That's why we created this free course.

The basics of any field should be free to learn.

Because the basics are what get all of the results.

Simple. Not easy. But that’s what we’re here for. 

This course is for you if:

  • You don't know how to turn your skills into a sustainable income using Notion.
  • You hear everyone talk about the opportunity in selling Notion templates but aren't sure where to start.
  • You don't understand the basics of marketing, sales, and persuasion because you've been given work your entire life.
  • You don't know what type of product or service to sell that will bring in the most revenue.

Ready to find out how top Notion Creators succeed?

Here's a sneak peek of everything you're going to learn inside this email course...

  • The Digital Economy – A clear understanding of the new digital economy and how to take advantage of it.
  • The Notion Creator Mindset – How to remove your money-dependence from your employer and start earning for yourself.
  • Skill & Curiosities – How to blend your interests in a way that makes you unique.
  • The Evergreen Markets – How to position your creator brand and products for maximum engagement and sales.
  • Products & Services – The best thing to sell at the start of your journey to make an income (relatively) fast.
  • Distribution Networks – How to get in front of more people to build an audience and find customers.
  • Awareness & Attention – Learn to capture attention no matter who is reading your content.
  • The Greatest Skill – Learn ethical persuasion and influence so you don't have to scam, cheat, or spam your audience.
  • The Keys To Success – Start learning the right way by building in public.
  • BONUS. How to position yourself as an authority (Even if you're new to Notion)
  • BONUS. Our proven system to never run out of unique template ideas
  • BONUS. (Advanced) How to build a unique Notion Creator brand