Imagine if your home was decluttered and organised by summer? 

It’s yours for just £9.  

That's a whole lot of support for just £1.50 per month! 

Just imagine, you could breeze into 2024 knowing that you’ll be SORTED BY SUMMER. How would that feel?

✨No longer feeling overwhelmed by the clutter and chaos in your home.

✨No more feeling stuck, not knowing where to begin.

✨No more decluttering without making real progress.

✨No more putting it off until tomorrow.

Sorted by Summer offers you:

✔️Your home contents broken down into categories, based on the KonMari Method™.

✔️26 Weekly themes to work on – starting with clothes, books and paperwork.

✔️Daily bite-sized tasks, so you can fit decluttering into everyday life.

✔️A schedule to keep you time-bound and on task.

✔️Regular emails with extra advice and support. 

✔️Social media prompts to inspire and motivate you along the way.