Everybody wins!

Helping others look their best can make you money! Refer your friends, clients, or colleagues to me, and I’ll send cash directly to you. It’s simple, rewarding, and a win-win-win for everyone!

Wait! But what about them? They will get $60 off their booking fee!

Expand Your Value to You Network

Sharing my services with your contacts adds a valuable resource to your connections while boosting your reputation as someone "in the know."

Earn Cash Instantly

Receive $60 for every successful referral—paid as soon as their booking is confirmed.

Build Toward Something Bigger

Refer consistently, and you could earn enough for a professional photoshoot every year—perfect for keeping headshots fresh or treating yourself to an unforgettable experience.

Ready to Join?

When you share your email, I will keep track of it and update you on your rewards.

How It Works


Spread the Word: Tell your friends, clients, or anyone who might want to book a photoshoot with me.


Share The Link: Send them this link to book a consultation: https://shorturl.at/0OKea


Make Sure They Name You: Ask them to mention your name when asked how they heard about us when they book.


Get Paid Quickly: Once their photo session booking is confirmed, I’ll send $60 straight to your email—no waiting, no hassle.

Rewards Table


Time Frame


Total payment

1 Referral

Any Time

$60 cash or Studio Credit **

$60 per referral*

3 Referrals

within 2 months

$60 per referral + $200 bonus


5 Referrals

within 3 months

$60 per referral $500 bonus +


10 Referrals

within 4 months

$1,500 bonus + $60 per referral


* $60 per referral means: Per successful booking. You get paid when the person books their photo session and pays for it. ( not when they book their consultation)

** You can opt for the cash or to pay for a session or photos

Ready to Join?

When you share your email, I will keep track of it and update you on your rewards.

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