How I Can Help You


Experience the transformative power of our 3 Signature Courses, designed to ignite your inner light and create connections with your Soul, Spirit Guides, Loved Ones, and Source. These courses will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to create greater spiritual awareness and bring more joy, love, and fulfillment into your life.


Email Reading

If you're seeking personalized guidance and support to make important decisions, tap into your innate abilities, and explore new possibilities, our Email Reading is the perfect solution. With this service, you can access my expert insights and gain valuable perspective on your life's path. Whether you're facing a difficult choice, feeling stuck, or simply seeking greater clarity and direction, our Email Reading will provide the guidance you need to move forward with confidence and purpose.

Online Chat

In just 15 minutes, our Pick My Brain Reading offers you the chance to gain valuable Guidance, Support, and Insight to help you ignite your life and take control of your personal power. Whether you're facing a roadblock or seeking a fresh perspective, Linda's Readings are tailored to help you move forward with confidence and clarity. It's the perfect opportunity to gain the tools and insights you need to live your best life and unleash your full potential.