"If only I knew what they wanted?!!"

Do you find yourself scratching your head and staring at a blank screen when it come to writing award entries?

Or, do you have the opposite problem and have written an application that would make your old uni lecturer proud? Hello dissertation...

Knowing exactly what the judges are after is half the battle when it comes to writing entries that will make the judges hearts sing.

In fact, it's absolutely bloody crucial to getting yourself onto that podium.. 🚀

Sign up to my 'How to WIN an Award in 2024' masterclass and learn the simple secrets of successful award writing this season.

What You'll Get

🏆  Clarity over where to focus your efforts within the application.

🏆 Sneaky tricks to making the most of your word count.

🏆 Insider info from judges’ own mouths as to what makes an application stand out.

Sign up to my 

'How to WIN an Award in 2024' 

masterclass on 

Tuesday 23rd April at 10am

and get yourself that gong.