Do you often feel that even when you speak the same language the other person you’re working with makes no sense?

Do you feel like you don’t quite fit into your environment or team and are not sure why?

If workplace communication frustrates you and you often feel overwhelmed by trying to make sense of others around you or to find common ground with your colleagues, keep reading - this course is made for you! 😉

The working world is challenging: we deal with a range of different tasks, processes and constant changes.

Add to that working in a new country or simply joining a new environment different from what we’re used to, and the challenge is magnified. We can feel out of place, frustrated, and overwhelmed. We can even begin questioning our life choices.

A study by the Robert Walters Group found that 73% of professionals have left a job because of poor cultural fit.

This however doesn’t mean that you are not always a good fit: maybe you only need to learn the rules of the game to navigate your new environment.

On top of this, let’s be honest here for a moment: most of the time we don’t get to pick our colleagues, so interactions can feel tricky. Even when we come from the same place or speak the same language, chances are slim that we see the world the same way, because our lived experiences are different.

These differences become even more pointed when we work globally, remotely, or with many different stakeholders. Meetings, projects, deadlines, and general communication quickly become exhausting.

What if I told you that cultural fluency can help you with making this easier?

Every interaction we have is intercultural - and as such, can become a source of big fat misunderstandings.

Picture this: you ask a colleague for a document and their response is “Sure, will send it over in a while”. Now, if your “while” is 5-10 minutes long, but theirs isn't, and you never clarify this, things (and the relationship between you) can slip away quite quickly.

Developing cultural fluency helps us make sense of such interactions.

It won’t magically solve all your issues or make you read minds. But it will give you tools and strategies to help you embrace team differences and lead a more enjoyable work life. 🙃 

To help you with this, we’re condensing our knowledge, research, and lived experiences on intercultural relations, as well as offering you a useful tool, to equip you with a lifelong skill in a 4-week live course.

Enter: the Cultural Fluency Playground

Our 4-week course to transform your work interactions and find common ground with others

What will it look like?

We will have four live sessions via Zoom: each of them 90 minutes long (from 6pm till 7.30pm CET). These sessions will take place through four Wednesdays: October 23 and 30, November 6 and 13.

Only one session per week, so you have time in-between sessions to digest what we cover. 😉

🔍 During these sessions, we will cover why and how differences occur and how they take shape and lead to different behaviours.

🔍 We will also talk about conflicts and how culture and group behaviours come into the mix.

🔍 Finally, we will uncover the 'why' behind and practice shifting perspectives, so that after the boot camp you can go to work ready to play! (pun intended)

During the course, you will have direct access to Csenge via email to ask any questions you might have, whether it’s about the course content or something that comes up through putting those bits into practice.

🔍 We will also offer you some additional services if you want to continue on the journey (at an extra cost, but at an "inner circle" price).

Apply before the 20th October midnight (CET) and level up your interactions!

What will you get from this boot camp?

Four 90-minute-long live sessions, taking place through four Wednesdays: October 23 and 30, November 6 and 13, from 6 to 7.30 pm CET (Madrid time) via Zoom, in a safe learning space (no mass groups, there is a maximum limit of 20 people).

Access to a cultural fluency expert during the course via email to ask your questions. You can also re-watch the session recordings as many times as you want (these will remain confidential to participants of this cohort and only for a limited time).

A Global DISC assessment: a personalised assessment of how you can better understand others and be understood, with a 42-page long report (yours to keep and use).

Certification of completion, so you can show off your new skills.

A complimentary Cultural Fluency Workbook that complements your learning and has additional tips and resources.

And also...

A lifelong skill of understanding different perspectives and communicating better.

Elevated confidence to tackle misunderstandings better and work with different colleagues and stakeholders smoothly.

More joy in your intercultural interactions.

Competitive advantage when applying for a leadership role - this is not a skill everyone has!

    In our Cultural Fluency Playground you will gain more confidence in approaching your intercultural interactions.

    All the practical details you need to know


    Applications are open until the 20th of October, midnight.

    Sessions will take place on the 23 and 30 October and 6 and 13 November at 6-7.30 pm CET (Madrid time).


    In the comfort of your home! 

    We will have our sessions over Zoom, so all you need is a good internet connection and a computer to join.

    How much?

    247 euros.

    Or bring a friend (or colleague, wink wink) with you and it's 457 euros for the two of you!

    Too busy to keep up?

    We recommend signing up if you can commit to attending all (or at least 3) of the sessions because it will be interactive and we can give you the best experience if you are attending live.

    Sessions however will be recorded, so in case you miss one, you will have the chance to catch up.

    What to prepare?

    An open mind and your willingness to learn interactively! 🙃

    Once you sign up, you will get a confirmation email. 

    The assessment and Zoom details will be sent once the application deadline is over.

    Any questions?

    Send an email to [email protected]!

    You can also check the FAQ below - a lot is covered in there!

    If easier, let's jump on a quick call and happy to tackle any doubts you may have!

    The Cultural Fluency Playground is meant for you, if are...

      Willing to expand your comfort zone and ready to dive deeper into getting to know yourself.

      Ready to interact with others and enjoy learning actively in a safe space.

      Prepared that some of the new discoveries might feel uncomfortable - growth isn’t easy, but you won’t be alone.

      Are free to join all the sessions (but at least 3 of them) on the 23 and 30 October and 6 and 13 November, at 6-7.30pm CET.

      This might not be for you, if are...

        Already familiar with and worked extensively with Global DISC.

        Only there to listen - this is not a course with only theory and memorising stuff.

        Very experienced in working across different perspectives and cultures and looking for an advanced learning opportunity.

        Looking for personalised help - this is a group experience (we offer individual support too though if you are after that).

        Not sure yet? Book a quick chat and let's clear up your questions!

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        This is a preview mode. Product purchase available only in published pages.

        Cultural Fluency Playground

        Our 4-week course to transform your intercultural interactions.

        247.00 EUR

        Thank you for your purchase! The confirmation email should be in your mailbox shortly (make sure to check the spam folder too).

        While we wait for the course to start, take a look at a preparation worksheet we have for you!

        2 people price - 457.00 EUR

        Something went wrong. Try again.
        This is a preview mode. Product purchase available only in published pages.

        Thank you for your purchase! The confirmation email should be in your mailbox shortly (make sure to check the spam folder too).

        While we wait for the course to start, take a look at a preparation worksheet we have for you!


        What if I am not in any of the situations mentioned above? Can I still join?

        Yes! While this course helps most to those mentioned above, if you feel the calling and curious to immerse yourself in the world of cultural fluency, by all means join us! If you are unsure what to do you can also book a quick call and we can have a non-binding, friendly chat to clear up your doubts.

        What if I can’t make it to one of the sessions?

        While we'd expect you to commit to participating to all of them (because the learning is designed for the group joining), we also know that sometimes life happens. We will record the sessions and make them available for a limited time for you to catch up after each session (breakout room conversation will not be recorded though). We recommend to join if you can come to at least 3 of the sessions.

        We do not offer refunds for any of the missed sessions. If you are forced abandon the course due to unseen circumstances (for instance sickness), get in touch and we will discuss the possibilities to proceed.

        What if I already took Global DISC? Can I still join?

        That depends. If you only took the assessment, but had no coaching session or any kind of learning with it, then the course might still benefit you. Also if you took the assessment more than 5 years ago, there is a chance that your results and personal circumstances changed, so this might be new and helpful learning for you.

        Similarly, if you took DISC, but not Global DISC then you will learn new things!

        If you took Global DISC recently and had any kind of learning activity around it, then you might not benefit from this course as much. If you are unsure, get in touch or book a chat and we can take a look at your situation.

        How are DISC and Global DISC different?

        Standard DISC talks about your preferences based on your personality, but it is scratching the surface. 

        Global DISC explores the ‘What’ and ‘How’, but then dives down to the value level, showing the ‘Why’ of your communication and behavioural preferences. This helps you understand yourself and others better, including their (seemingly strange) behaviours and cultural layers.

        Will my assessment results be shared with anyone?

        No. Those are shared with you alone and Csenge (the trainer running the course). We will use the group result as a whole for some parts of the sessions in an anonymous way, but we won’t be sharing your individual results with anyone. Of course if you want to bring in any of it as examples during the interactive parts, you are welcome to share - it is completely up to you how much of it you want to bring in to the group. Even if you decide not to share, the learning of the course will make sense and will be beneficial for you knowing your results.

        If you want to have an individual session to understand better your results in addition to the course, get in touch and we will discuss the possibilities we can offer for that.

        Will I get the materials?

        The assessment and the report yes, also the additional workbook. The presentations used during the sessions will not be shared - however we might still provide additional resources and suggestions if you need it. And you can re-watch the recordings for a limited amount of time as well (this will be confidential to participants of the course only).

        The workbook also contains extra things, in case you want to explore the topic more.

        Where can I ask my questions?

        Book a quick chat or email [email protected] and we will answer them.

        Do you offer a discount/payment plan?

        We believe that with the value provided, the course already has a very accessible price, so we do not offer any kind of discounts or payment plans at this point (we offer a 2 people price though, so bring a friend and you both will get a little discount).

        However if you are keen to join and have special circumstances that don’t allow you to pay the full amount at once, get in touch and we will evaluate your situation.

        What if I sign up, but change my mind?

        If you decide to cancel before the sign up closes, we will be sad to see you go, but can provide you a full refund.

        However, once the sign up deadline passes, we are unable to offer any refunds (as by then we will be counting with your participation and you will also receive the assessment and workbook). If you are forced abandon the course due to unseen circumstances (for instance sickness), get in touch and we will discuss the possibilities to proceed.

        What if I am interested, but can't join in October?

        We are planning to run this again early 2025, so join our mailing list here and we will let you know when the next round runs! Alternatively you can take a look at our other offers and book or get in touch if any of them peaks your interest. 

        See you inside! 🤩

        Please note that once the application deadline has passed and you receive your assessment, we do not offer any returns or refunds. However if you are not satisfied or change your mind before the lessons start, send us an email as soon as possible explaining your situation. We consider each request individually and can not guarantee full or partial refund on every request. In case a refund is issued, it will be returned through the initial method of purchase.

        We also reserve the right not to go ahead with the course if there aren't sufficient sign ups - if this happens your payment will be returned in full or will be offered an alternative service.