Change Your Story Change Your Life

Introducing a new program with Carrie KC West

Sign up today and discover how you can participate in a new program that can bring you happiness and fulfillment in a new and fascinating way. Based on the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and the lives we lead, Change Your Story Change Your Life, gives you proven techniques that free you from the past so that your present (and future) are vibrant expressions of who you really are!

When you sign up, you’ll receive a download of the 4 Ways We Stay Stuck: Keys to Moving Forward in Our Lives.

Change Your Story Change Your Life

Every moment of every day, our brains work overtime repeating the same story that reminds us who we were told we are. Based on an old premise that we were taught, or we made up, this story holds the beliefs and feelings we hold about ourselves and our world.

What if that story can be rewritten and a new more beneficial story takes its place? Each of us can find a renewed purpose that goes beyond the everyday into a life we’ve dreamed of but was forgotten. Let’s face it, once upon a time many of us had dreams that we’ve given up. We can reclaim those dreams and build a new story.

With a proven template and step-by-step process, you’ll discover a new story awaits!

Meet Carrie KC West

When I was studied at the American Film Institute, I learned the importance of story in our lives. I took my learning and combined it with other experiences and studies to build my work as a Transformational Story Coach. As a Transformational Story Coach I’ve helped clients look at their lives through the lens of a great book or movie. We uncover the themes, plots and characters that have influenced our lives and brought us to where we are in this very moment. When we take our stories apart, we can let go of the old plots and write a compelling story filled with purpose, excitement, and happiness.

Change Your Story Change Your Life was created as a companion to my book, Memoir of An Ordinary Person and the Stories That Changed Her Life, which will be released in early 2024.

Please join me in my program Change Your Story Change Your Life in early 2024

When you subscribe you’ll receive a PDF file of the 4 Ways We Stay Stuck along with regular updates on the program. 

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