Packed with practical exercises, insightful reflection questions, and expert guidance, this workbook offers a hands-on approach to building cultural confidence and understanding in diverse environments.

What's in the workbook?

25 pages packed with all kinds of value 😉

Untangling concepts

Learn more about what culture is, why and how it influences us, so you better understand and navigate different behaviours.

Insightful reflection questions

Dive deep into your cultural experiences and beliefs with thought-provoking questions that encourage introspection and personal growth.

Tips & hints in an easy-to-use format

Enjoy a user-friendly layout with clear instructions and helpful hints throughout the workbook to help you put it into practice.

Expert guidance and resources

Benefit from expert insights and tips to enhance your cultural fluency, drawn from years of experience.

Practical exercises

Engage in hands-on activities that promote self-reflection and cultural awareness.

Why get the Cultural Fluency Workbook?

Our Cultural Fluency Workbook goes beyond traditional cultural training materials by offering practical exercises and real-world examples that empower you to apply your newfound knowledge in everyday situations.

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Cultural Fluency Workbook

Our go-at-your-pace guide to get a kick start in understanding differences.

27.00 EUR

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Please note that once you purchase and access the workbook, we do not offer any returns or refunds. However if you are not satisfied with it, send us an email within 14 days, explaining your dissatisfaction. We consider each request individually and can not guarantee full or partial refund on every request. In case a refund is issued, it will be returned through the initial method of purchase.