Feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to begin your self-care journey? 

I'm here for you!

It's easy to feel confused around the topic of self-care. The term 'self-care' is often splashed around the internet and used to market countless products and services - which can feel inauthentic, over-simplified and superficial.

But self-care is more than just a hashtag.

True self-care is a state of being that offers a sense of abundance in your life - an inner well that never runs dry. Self-care describes taking time to do things that help you live well and improve both your health (physical and mental) and wellbeing.

Self-care is a lifestyle approach: a consistent self-nourishment and replenishment of energy & presence of mind.

How life feels without personalised self-care:

  • Heavy, slow and sluggish
  • Stressful 
  • Out of control
  • Overwhelming
  • Unproductive 
  • Out of balance 

How life feels when harnessing personal self-care:

  • Aligned 
  • Purposeful and flowing
  • Easeful and balanced
  • Empowering 
  • Productive 
  • Joyful 

Self-care is not something you can quantify, mass prescribe or buy in a shop. So where to start when it comes to personal self-care?

Enter: the dwtylife self-care exploration journal! 

I designed this guide with you in mind - the perfect starting place for you to reflect, gain some personal insight and begin to determine what self-care looks like on you. 

I believe that personalised self-care is one of the essential steps to living a joyful and balanced everyday life. 

You will receive a downloadable/printable journal filled with thought-provoking and inspiring prompts designed to aid you in your very own self-care discovery.

The more we nourish ourselves, the lighter and brighter our experience of life feels. 

Through our own self-care, we also nourish the others that surround us and encourage them too to lead more joyful, balanced and bright everyday lives.