Take Charge of Your Life!

3-Part Empowerment Series

Join Anik Malenfant for a transformational 3-part program where you'll gain the wisdom and tools to empower yourself to create a soul-satisfying life!

In these bite-sized sessions Anik will simplify a complex topic in a way that you can easily apply immediatly to your life. She'll walk you through a laser-focused approach to support you in cutting through the white noise and getting to the core of what's holding you back.

What to expect:

• Guidance videos with profound concepts, healing support, and techniques to launch you forward.

• A Simple process to help you implement solid foundations for transformation.

• Support and accountability in our Conscious Creators Collective.

Access the 3-Part Series -  On Demand

Part 1 - Setting your Baseline

Part 2 - Empowered vs Disempowered Patterns

Part 3 - 3-step process to taking charge of your life

Bonus session:

Wednesday, Aug 30th at 10AM Atlantic - Live & Interactive - Zoom

-> Opportunity to get in the Hot Seat!

Is this series right for you?

Here's who this series is best suited for.

You are open-minded, committed to your Inner Work, and ready to make your dreams a priority.

You are able to be honest with yourself, take action and open to experience profound positive changes in your life.

You desire to be more conscious and self-aware.

You are seeking a deeper meaning and more satisfaction from life.

You know you are here for something more and you are ready to step into empowerment and claim your best life.

This program is not right if you are:

Would rather stay comfortably seated on life's sidelines and hope things magically change on their own. You give up after a few mintues and aren't willing to give these strategies a chance. You aren't ready to change, you don't want to try something new, or are looking for a magic pill.

About your Facilitator:

As a healer, educator, and speaker, Anik empowers committed growth seekers in creating joy-filled lives and soul-satisfying legacies.

Her growth journey led her to rise above domestic abuse, debilitating allergies, fibromyalgia, and depression. In 2012, she took a leap of faith, let go of the financial security and accolades of her career in finance, trusting her intuition to guide her to her true life purpose. She now enjoys the blessings of her 6-figure coaching business, sharing a fulfilling life with her soulmate and their beautiful daughter, which all felt like an impossible dream to her a little over decade ago.

Notable Accolades:

Executive Contributor - Brainz Magazine, CREA Global Award Recipient, Syndicated Radio Host - News for the Soul Broadcasting, Thetahealing Instructor, CranioSacral Therapist • Certified Chios® Master Teacher • Former Chios Council Member • Reiki Master Teacher • Choice® Theory, Reality Therapy & Lead-Management Practitioner, Founder - The YOUnified Method, CEO - Ascension Academy