Are you ready to…

Stop the overwhelm of being the default parent so that you can start to feel present and make fun memories with your children?

Join now- we open on 1st May 2024

THE membership for mums with monthly themes and experts to help stressed out, overwhelmed mums become happy, release the mum guilt and be the mum they wanted to be, making fun memories with their children.

This is for you if you want to

*stop feeling as though you aren't good enough as a mum

*feel like you are having fun with your children

*get a better balance between work/ business and home life

You find yourself 

  • looking at other people's beautifully curated lives on social media and comparing yourself.
  • feeling resentful because you the parent who has to do everything
  • feeling annoyed that you are the parent who has to be set the rules whilst the other parent gets to be seen as the fun one
  • struggling to balance household tasks, work and the children, hobbies etc.
  • arguing with your children about getting their homework done or helping you out 
  • trying to make routines in your household whilst supporting a child with SEN
  • trying to coparent with someone who uses the situation to control you

There are others who have been where you are and are now confident as a parent and having fun with their children.

It’s no wonder that you feel like you do…

It is reported that in Western society, it is still more common to assume that the mother is the main one responsible for parenting and that she put her own needs behind those of her children. Added to this is the media pressure to be the person who can do it all. 

The main reason you feel like you do is because you feel the pressure of what everyone else is doing around you, along with the ideal that you created for yourself. Add this to running a home, perhaps being the only parent or maybe having a child with SEN and you're bound to be feeling like you are failing- YOU AREN'T!

There is no one size fits all…

although we will all have similarities in our experiences and feelings, no one's circumstances are exactly the same.

Ditch the overwhelm of being everything to everyone- let the experts show you how!

Stop wondering why everyone seems to be able to everything but you can't and look at what you are managing to achieve. You've already spent too much time and energy worrying instead of being.


It’s finally time to enjoy the special moments that you create with your children.

           Opening on 1st May

THE membership for mums with monthly themes and experts to help stressed out overwhelmed mums become happy and be the mum they wanted to be, making fun memories with their children.

                        Inside  Fun Mum's Circle

              How does Fun Mum Circle  work?

This is a membership for mums. Each month there will be a new theme with masterclasses and resources added to the membership.

Every month, experts will provide masterclasses relevant to that month's theme and you'll be able ask questions before and during the masterclasses.

In addition to this, there will be weekly self development practices to make sure that you are looking after yourself too. A weekly homework Q & A thread will be available to help take the stress out of homework and I'll provide guides on supporting your children with different schoolwork.

To give you inspiration in creating fun activities with your children, there will be activity posts each week as well.

Furthermore, as a divorce coach, I'll be providing support for people who finding coparenting difficult or trying to navigate divorce.

There's so much more on it's way. All this for £11.11 per month.

              “Leanne always offers such good advice- it’s clear that she’s been through this herself.”

             This is perfect for you if….

You are fed up of feeling like you aren't a good enough mum


You feel like you are in constant battles with your children as you set boundaries and they are growing up


You feel like you're missing out on precious time with your children


You want to feel happiness and have fun instead of feeling stress and anxiety


You are navigating motherhood with SEN or you have a child with SEN

             There are only 10 founding member spaces available before we open the doors properly on May 1st. After this, the price will increase.

              What’s included?

Access to the members area- including masterclasses and resources for the duration of your stay in the membership

Access to the private facebook community for your duration of your stay in the membership

Q&A threads for all masterclasses

Weekly homework help threads

Fun activities to do with your children

Self development

Here are just some of the themes we have coming up in the membership

Supporting our children through exam stress

Join our primary school and secondary school experts in masterclasses on how to support your children with SATs, GCSE's and A Levels.


We have best selling author, Janine McDonald, along with other experts to provide masterclasses on decluttering, creating household routines and even meal ideas and prepping to give us more time with our children and for ourselves.

Back to school prep

Whether your child is starting school for the first time, starting a new school or going back after the summer holidays, there are experts available to make this as stress-free as possible. This includes Lindsay Fake who helps with preparing young children for school.

SEN and Neurodiversity

Paula Poppy, best-selling author, and other experts will tell you about how they've developed strategies for their homes when either they or their children have specific needs.

Separate themes for babies, children, tweens and teens

At each stage of childhood, our children are developmentally different. These experts will help us to understand the needs and behaviours of our children at these different stages.

Sandwich parenting

A topic that definitely needs more awareness! Essentially, you are the parent of your own children but are the position of looking after your own parent's too. We have the fabulous Simone Machell delivering a workshop on this. We never know when this might be us!

         Don't forget that there are many more topics to come, plus the regular features of self development and homework help.

        What if I can't make the live masterclasses?

Each of the live masterclasses will be recorded and then added to the Facebook group and the membership area so that you won’t miss any of the training. You'll also be able to ask questions before the masterclass so that if your answer isn't covered in the masterclass, you can still get help from the expert.

         Don’t keep struggling alone

I know that you feel embarrassed because everyone else makes out that being a parent is easy:

People on social media showing off their gorgeous homes, amazing holidays and fabulous day trips out every week

Your ex playing Disney Dad every other weekend

Your friends who don't understand that children with SEN don't respond to the same strategies as their children do

Your Grandma who keeps telling you how easy it is for you compared to when she was a parent without a washing machine!

         You need support from people who have personally been through it and have the experience in helping others to get through the same.

         Will everyone work through this together or will people keep joining as we work through?

As this is a membership, people will join at different times. All the masterclasses are available for the duration of a person's time in the membership so people will access these masterclasses as and when they need to. The live masterclasses will only be recorded once so as a founding member you are able to ask the expert questions because you'll be active in real-time.

                                        Other features

Weekly Q & A thread to remove homework stress plus recorded tutorials for schoolwork. The membership is more than worth the cost for this feature alone!

Every month, you will receive at least one masterclass on something related to your self development. This is as well as mindset training.

Fun activities for you to do with your children. 

Why is this membership different?                                        

  • There is nothing like it available. Not only does this membership help you as a mum it helps you with:
  • parenting
  • self development
  • SEN and neurodiversity
  • menu planning
  • organising your home
  • having fun with your children
  • homework
  • single parenting and co-parenting

Why trust me?

Here’s what you get when you join The Fun Mum Circle

  • Monthly themes with masterclasses from experts in their field
  • At least one self development masterclass with activities including mindset work
  • Access to the private Facebook community and members area for the duration of your membership
  • Training sessions to help you to understand your child's work.
  • Weekly Q & A thread for homework
  • Q & A thread for live masterclasses even if you can't make the live session

Places are limited!!

There are only 10 founding member spaces and the membership will never be offered at this price again. Your membership price will always be £11.11 per month unless you leave.

What you need to do now…

1. Choose your membership option. All payments are done via stripe so they are secure.

2. Sit back and congratulate yourself on making this decision to put you and your time with your children first.

3. Check your emails for all the details to join the Facebook group and access to the members  area.


What if I don’t have time to do everything?

One of the areas that we will look at will be how to organise your life so that you've got more time for both yourself and spending time with your children.

The masterclasses aren't meant to be very long and because they are in the members area, you can access them whenever you need to.

Are there lots of people in the membership?

As this is a new membership, there will only be a small number of people in the membership initially. We anticipate that the membership will grow due to the value that you get from the membership; however, there will be community supporters to make sure that you don't get lost in the crowd.

Is there a payment plan?

You can choose to either join for 6 months or 12 months. The price for either membership is the same per month,

What if I don’t feel comfortable sharing in front of others?

You don’t have to. If you want to ask your questions privately you can do and they will be answered as an anonymous question. The idea of the community is to help you to know that you are not alone but no one will be forced to share if they don’t feel comfortable.