The typical audience on Just a Homeowner is a middle-class American, ages 25-50, who owns a home, and has a beginning to moderate knowledge of home improvement and DIY skills.

Post Requirements

There are the minimum requirements for any guest post accepted for publication on Just a Homeowner

  • Well written with correct grammar and punctuation
  • Length between 700 and 2000 words long
  • Include at least 2 internal links to other relevant material on Just a Homeowner
  • Unique content not posted anywhere else
  • Include 2 outbound links to other relevant material (preferably to 2 different domains)
  • Include at least 2 images (300x300)
  • Author bio
    • Link to your website
    • Links to any social media profiles
    • Maximum of 2-3 sentences about yourself

Request Requirements

Any guest post request should have the following elements in order to be considered for publication

  • Name
  • Contact Email
  • 2-3 topic ideas
  • A link to your website
  • Links to 2 articles that show your writing style
  • Brief outline of why your posts would fit in with Just a Homeowner

Submit a Guest Post Request

Use the form below to submit your request for a guest post