How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult 

If you're a parent of a neurodivergent young adult, you don’t have to cross your fingers and hope for the best when it's time for them to leave home .…

Learn what it takes to launch your young adult (child) into independence with the proper support to make it a success.

How? By better understanding the neurodivergent brain and the unique considerations that are necessary to make this transition go smoothly.

Sign up for this 8-week Parent Coaching Group


Thursdays at 6:30-7:30pm EST on Zoom

Starts on February 6, 2025

Your child is smart, brilliant even. 

That’s never been the issue.

They just always seem to struggle to get their act together when you’re not doing all the heavy lifting for them.

They tend to be more overwhelmed than you would expect by the usual tasks of school and life, and you find it challenging to understand why they can't just figure it out already.

It's no wonder that you're worried about how they’ll manage on their own at college and in life. 

You wonder about whether they’ll get to all their classes (if they even leave their room at all) and how they'll make friends and organize themselves enough to function.

Or you're wondering how to get them back to college since it didn't work out so well the first time around.

Or maybe they've graduated and now they’re floundering at home and you worry they'll never leave and lead an independent life. 

Whatever it is for you, the core issues are the same and it doesn't have to stay this way.

There are things you can do to support your young adult to successfully launch into adulthood.


How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult

 An 8-week coaching program for parents of neurodivergent young adults who are preparing to leave home (or maybe should be).

Find out what it takes to finally feel confident that you know how to help your young adult transition to independence.

And join a community of parents who are going through the same thing so you no longer have to feel like no one else really understands.

Successfully launching your neurodivergent young adult comes down to 2 main things:

    Understanding the neurodivergent brain and how its differences impact the process of launching your young adult (child).

    Setting proper expectations for your child's path forward based on their differences and what they need.

    It may seem hard right now but you really can have an impact when you better understand what they need.

    How the group breaks down:

      • 8 weekly Zoom calls on Thursdays at 6:30-7:30pm EST.
      • Sessions will be a combination of teaching, coaching, strategy formation, and Q&A.
      • A new topic will be introduced every other week.  The alternative weeks used for questions related to the previous week's topic and coaching on how the topic specifically relates to your situation.
      • Topics will include:
        • What we mean by neurodivergence and why this is important to understand when planning to launch your young adult.
        • Why your young adult can’t just figure it out even though they are so smart.
        • Practical considerations and specific strategies you need in order to make this transition go smoothly.
        • How to improve your neurodivergent young adult’s quality of life and the overall quality of life for the family.
        • What this means longterm and how to plan for the future.
      • The audio from all the sessions will be recorded, so you can review what was covered and any relevant coaching that you or someone else received.

        Claim your spot in this 8-week Parent Coaching Group.

        How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult

        Thursdays at 6:30pm EST on Zoom

        Starts on February 6, 2025.

        Cost: $800

        This Parent Coaching Group will be well worth your time if:

        You know your young adult needs support to make this transition but you're not exactly sure what they need and how to address it.

        Your young adult is floundering at home after taking some time off from college or after graduation and you don't know what to do to help them move forward. 

        Your young adult is very smart and has functioned in the mainstream, but navigating school (and life) has always been more burdensome than you'd expect.  It takes a lot for things to run smoothly and you don't know how they'll do it on their own. 

        Your young adult has never been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but they've never been able to navigate relationships with ease so you've often wondered if there was more going on then just ADHD and executive dysfunction.

        Claim your spot in this 8 week Parent Coaching Group.

        How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult

        Thursdays at 6:30pm EST on Zoom

        Starts on February 6, 2025.

        Cost: $800

        Hi, I'm Dr. Kathleen Young

        I'm a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist with 18 years of experience in private practice. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with patients and families, developing a specific interest in neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), particularly people who’ve never been diagnosed. 

        This interest was ignited by my encounters with many patients, especially adolescent girls who had been given multiple diagnoses that did not fully define their experiences and who continued to feel they were different and not getting better despite years of treatment. 

        As I've learned more about neurodiversity and ASD, I've become aware that there is a huge portion of my clinical population who’ve never been diagnosed even though all the signs have been there for years.  It’s a huge blind spot in mental health that needs to be addressed. If you don’t correctly identify what the issue is and make a proper diagnosis, it is impossible to make effective recommendations. 

        And patients and their families are left trying interventions that don’t work - at least not very well or for very long.

        I’m also a parent of a child with ASD and understand the frustration that comes with the lack of resources and education for parents needed to help your child thrive. It can be hard to navigate even with a mental health background.

        That’s why I’ve created this group. I want to help make it easier for parents to get the information they need in order to provide the best support for their neurodivergent kids and improve their quality of life.

        Your young adult may be on a different path but a different path can be just as good.

        Claim your spot in this 8 week Parent Coaching Group.

        How to Launch Your Neurodivergent Young Adult

        Thursdays at 6:30pm EST on Zoom
        Starts February 6, 2025



        It starts on Thursday, February 6th at 6:30pm EST and will meet every Thursday for 8 weeks.

        Each session is scheduled for one hour (6:30-7:30pm EST). I will do my best to answer all questions, so it may occasionally run over a few minutes if there are remaining questions.

        The sessions will be recorded and the audio will be shared with members of the group only. You can listen and catch up at your convenience.

        Neurodivergent is a term used to refer to a difference in how a person's nervous system experiences, processes and reacts to the world. It is most often used to describe people on the autism spectrum but also includes people with autistic traits, ADHD, learning disabilities, OCD, and other psychiatric diagnoses.

        Executive functioning challenges are very common in neurodivergent people and impact multiple areas of functioning so will be covered in detail.

        You can email questions to [email protected] or click the link at the bottom of the page to schedule a call with Dr. Young.