Hummingbird Wisdom

How To Focus: 30-day Challenge

Rediscover Your Focus and Calm:

Join the 'How To Focus' 30-Day Email Challenge

In our modern, fast-paced world, it's all too easy to feel overwhelmed, distracted, and disconnected from your true purpose. Whether you're a busy professional, an ambitious student, a creative individual, or someone deeply invested in holistic health, maintaining focus and managing stress are critical to thriving in your daily life.

Are you experiencing these challenges?

• You struggle to concentrate on tasks with countless digital distractions pulling you in different directions.

• Stress and anxiety are constant companions, making it difficult to find peace and mental clarity.

• You feel overwhelmed by your workload and responsibilities, unsure of where to begin.

• Procrastination and lack of motivation are holding you back from achieving your goals.

• You yearn for a balanced life where you can excel in your pursuits while maintaining your well-being.

If these problems sound familiar, the 'How To Focus' 30-Day Email Challenge is here to provide the solutions you need.

What You'll Gain:

Practical Strategies: Learn actionable steps to boost your focus and productivity, tailored to fit into your busy schedule.

Stress Management Techniques: Discover effective methods to manage stress and anxiety, helping you stay calm and centred.

Digital Detox Tips: Implement small, manageable changes to reduce digital overload and improve your concentration.

Mindful Practices: Integrate mindful awareness into your routine to enhance mental clarity and overall well-being.

Community Support: Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, sharing tips and motivation throughout the challenge.

Why It Works:

This program is designed with you in mind, offering holistic approaches that address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being. It's not about quick fixes or adding more to your plate; it's about reclaiming control and clarity in a sustainable, meaningful way.

Take the First Step:

Imagine a life where you feel empowered, focused, and in control. Where stress and distractions no longer dictate your days. The ‘Hummingbird Wisdom; How To Focus' 30-Day Email Challenge provides the tools and support you need to make this a reality.

Join us on this transformative journey. Invest in yourself and your well-being. Your future self will thank you.

Ready to reclaim your focus and calm?

Sign up now and start your journey toward a more balanced, purposeful life.

What is the Hummingbird Wisdom 30-day Challenge?

As soon as you sign up, you start the challenge.

Every day for 30 days you'll receive an email.

You'll also have the option to listen to each message on audio if that's what you prefer.

It'll contain insight, tools to help you become more focused, and a practical challenge task for you to tackle. Sometimes the challenge task needs you to take 10-15 minutes reflecting and writing. Sometimes you can do it as you go about your normal day.

At the end of each module there's an online questionnaire to help you reflect on how you're doing. 

Why insight and tools?

If you understand theory, but don't have tools, nothing will change.

If you have tools but no insight, you won't understand. You'll just be following instructions.

Understanding + Practical Applications = Empowerment.

The 30-day Challenge contains 4 modules:

The Big Picture: Understand how to unleash the power of your body and mind: (6 emails)

Core Tools: Dig into tools you were born with, but which we often forget to use: (5 emails)

Mental discipline: Tame and focus your mind, so it serves, not dominates you. (12 emails)

Real-World Application: Use your new skills in different areas of life: including self-knowledge, confidence, relationships and others (6 emails).

"I bought your Hummingbird wisdom course and am enjoying it very much."
Monica. Australia

'The course has already made an impact on my morning …
for the better… I’ve been able to maintain attention and do one thing at a time'

Azariah - UK

I’d always been fascinated by both individual and collective excellence. I was fascinated by amazing groups as much as by star individuals. I love a brilliant individual - but collective brilliance needs individual brilliance AND MORE. The mystery and magic of ensemble was the subject of my first book: ‘Encountering Ensemble’ (Bloomsbury 2013)

I realised early on the heart of excellent performance is presence. Without presence, we don’t connect. Unless we connect, we don’t communicate. 

That was the subject of my next two books ('Climbing The Mountain' (2016), 'Presence' (2019)).

After burnout and the pandemic, knowing I didn't want to travel much anymore (why would I? I moved to remote Ireland and it’s beautiful), I’ve spent a lot of time considering how ‘what actors know’ can serve everyone - whatever stage of life we’re at, whatever choices we’ve made.

Hummingbird Wisdom emerged from these years of reflection and re-focusing.

We know the mental and physical damage this distracted, frantic world is doing to us, our families and communities. The insights and tools developed over 30 years of training performers to be fearlessly focused and boldly creative, are tools we can all use and benefit from.

Now my mission is to share what I know, and do what I can to help us live more healthily, sustainably and joyously.

"John is a wizard, powerful and wise and uses liberating spells to unlock closed minds and soften toughened hearts."

Azariah - UK

"John is a wise voice when you most need it! He's insightful, kind, and real."

Gaby - USA

"With his life's work and gentle approach to guide me, John empowers me to follow the path that resonates with my true self."

Nasia - Greece

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Hummingbird Wisdom

How To Focus: A 30-day Challenge

69.00 EUR

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Have a great day!

This is for you if....

  • You struggle to focus.
  • You’re frustrated because you struggle to focus.
  • You're anxious and feel under threat.
  • You feel unaligned with purpose or intention.
  • You’re ready to do what you need to do to change.
  • You can commit to ten minutes quiet time a day to read the email.
  • You’re willing to explore how to apply each day’s lesson into your daily life.
  • You’re human (and want stay that way).

This is NOT for you if....

  • You want to be told what to do. You, and only you, can decide how to live.
  • You want, magically, to read something and find your life has changed. It's not going to happen. You must do the work.
  • You’re in high-level crisis or overwhelm. If things are, literally, collapsing, reach out for help NOW. Talk to me. Talk to another coach/mentor/teacher. Talk to a therapist. Do it. Burnout and breakdown are no fun. Hummingbird Wisdom will help, but it's not a crisis-intervention.
  • You’ve stopped being fully, wondrously human, and are happy to stay that way.

My Mission

I share insight and tools to liberate joy, creativity, compassion and calm. I do it through coaching, mentorship, group programmes, workshops, teaching, writing and art.

I do it because I want a better world based in sustainability, interconnection, diversity and the nurturing of creative potential. I believe we can create that world if we work on ourselves and with each other.

My Values

Respect. Wisdom. Sustainability. Eco-literacy. Cultural Diversity. Curiosity. Awe. Equity. Collaboration. Compassion. Joy.

My Pledge

If Hummingbird Wisdom doesn't work for you - for whatever reason - then after trying for at least 14 days, get in touch and I'll refund your money. No questions. I want only the best for you. 

"His idea of the need to be PRESENT has changed my perspective on my life and career."

Nikhil - India

"John has helped me reconnect to the part of myself I value most, helping me become unapologetic and unashamed about claiming my space as an artist and human."

Monica - Australia

The tools and principles I learned from John are continuously helping me to transfer from a state of doubt and uncertainty into clarity and action. Action in a direction that feels true and exciting to me. I feel like I have gained the trust to act out of who I want to be."

Anna - Sweden

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Hummingbird Wisdom

How To Focus: A 30-day Challenge

69.00 EUR

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Have a great day!