WHY Take the Joy-Q Survey?

What is the Joy-Q Survey?

The Joy-Q Survey is a unique tool designed to help you assess your current levels of joy and satisfaction in various aspects of your life. By taking just a few minutes to complete this survey, you'll gain valuable insights into your joy quotient - your Joy-Q.

But it doesn't stop there. Once you know your Joy-Q score, you'll receive personalized interpretations and actionable steps to enhance your joy and live your encore years with peace of heart.

  • Gain Clarity: Understand where you stand with joy and satisfaction in your life right now.
  • Personalized Insights: Receive a detailed interpretation of your Joy-Q score explicitly tailored to you.
  • Actionable Steps: Discover practical ideas and next steps to increase your joy, whether preparing for retirement, adjusting to it, or simply looking to make the most of your current phase of life.
  • Empower Your Future: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to create a joyful and fulfilling future.

WHO Should Take the Joy-Q Survey?

Perfect for Baby Boomer Women who ...

Are planning to stop working in the next few years and want to ensure a joyful transition.

Have already retired and are comfortable but seeking more joy and fulfillment.

Are ready to stop working but feel anxious or uncertain about the next steps.

How Does it Work?

(1) Complete the Survey:
Take a few minutes to answer questions about your life and happiness.

(2) Get Your Joy-Q Score:
Receive your personalized Joy-Q score immediately after completing the survey.

(3) Receive Your Interpretation:
Understand your score with an in-depth interpretation tailored to you.

(4) Explore Next Steps:
Gain practical ideas and suggestions for enhancing your joy and
live your encore years with peace of heart.

Ready to Discover Your Joy-Q?

Taking the first steps towards a more joyful future is easy.

Just enter your name and email below, and you will automatically be redirected to the Joy-Q Survey page where you will step into a space to help you discover joy, peace, and grace -- things that are not just destinations, but part of the journey. 

Embrace your encore years with the joy and peace of heart you deserve.
our journey towards greater happiness starts here.

A Life of Joy Awaits You ...

Your encore years are a canvas, and the Joy-Q Survey offers the palette and strokes to paint a life of profound joy and grace. A space to uncover the path to a more fulfilling and joyful life.
