Free 4 day course to infuse deeper levels confidence into your natural hair journey. Sign up below 👇🏾👇🏿👇🏼

Ready to embark on a transformative journey that celebrates your natural beauty and dives deep into the empowering world of embracing your cultural identity?

That desire inside of you that is ready to say yes to embracing yourself and your true beauty and power is calling you right now!

In this brand-spanking new mini course you will learn directly from my Rediscover Your Roots framework:

Melanin Mindset Magic: 

Discover that untapped magic that lives within your DNA and allow that richness to transform your mind.

Cultural Confidence Cultivation:

Activate the frequency of cultural confidence in every part of who you are and experience 'The Confidence Codes'.

Sisters Strengthening Spirit:

Make your sisterhoods safe spaces for healing, growth and expansion .....

Holistic Hair Habits:

Develop a daily hair mindset practice that allows you to shed old habits of self doubt, fear and procrastination.

Meet your guide

As seen on

Let's journey together ...

I know that you are on this page for a reason. You're ready to step things up a gear and are no longer prepared to hide any part of self. And why should you. You're perfect just as the universe made you. Every curl loose or tight, every level of melanin dark or light is absolutely deliberate perfection.  

Perhaps you want to:

• Feel happier and confident in your own skin

• Release internalisation of societal pressures and 'beauty standards

• Lean deeper in the knowledge, wisdom and celebration of your heritage/hairitage

• Be authentically you in all areas of your life

All of the above? Well, mindset is the key. We're so powerful. Us women who were here since time. Powerful beyond belief. And that's what we are reconnecting to. Being able to look in the mirror and touch your crown and feel confident, abundant, fulfilled and harmonious. The real you!

***Bonus talking point*** Love life and the natural hair journey. How does your natural hair-love impact the connections you hold dear? 

Simply click "Join Now" and get ready to embark on a transformative 4-day adventure


📅 When: 19th-22nd Feb

🕒 Time: 8pm 1 hour daily, live online

🖥️ Where: Exclusive Private Facebook Group

And don't fret if life gets busy – you can always catch a replay! However, there's something magical about being live, soaking up the energy, and Viking in real-time discussions.

Each day, we'll explore a dimension of the Rediscover Your Roots Framework, unlocking the mindset secrets of deep rooted hair love.