As women, we are conditioned from the time we are little girls to revolve our lives around
finding a man to love us. From every princess movie, fairy tale and romantic comedy, we are told our life will finally begin once “he” arrives.
For generations, our female ancestors could not survive without a male keeper. Today,
many spiritual and erotic teachings idealize being “claimed” by a man as the essence of
our Feminine nature.
Inside this ancient existential wound, it can can feel as if we don’t really exist outside of
male desire.
This leads many women down a path of injured instincts, compromised discernment
and a pattern of seeking relationship through self abandonment and fantasy.
Patriarchal romance promises the fulfillment of our dreams, yet many women wind up badly
burned, disillusioned and confused about why love has caused them so much pain.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
What I have come to believe is that what women want more than anything is to
be free from this web of illusion. More than they want to find ‘the one’, they
want to feel whole within themselves. They want to be free.
In Liberated Woman you’ll be supported in a small group of women through 8 weeks of abstinence from sex and romance with men to reset your system for a new way forward. Get a refreshing feminist education on sex and relationships and learn powerful practices to cultivate love, safety, self respect and erotic vitality within so you can be the Liberated Woman you were meant to be.
-Reclaiming Your Temple
-Taking Inventory of Romantic History
-Love Addiction and the Wound of the Female Psyche
-The Ring of Fire of Conscious Celibacy
-The True Purpose of Eros
-Reclaiming the Erotic Within
-Sacred Eros as an Inner Yoga
-Building the Inner Hearth of Sensual Nourishment and Love
-Sacred Rage As an Inner yoga
-Patriarchal Masculinity & Femininity
-Patriarchal Romance
-Unpacking our Female Conditioning Around Sex/Men/Love
-Boundaries & Repairing Instincts
-Anger as a Key to Liberation
-Protecting the Little Girl- Letting the Woman Lead
-Building the Inner Hearth of Self Respect, Inner Safety and Self Care
-Eros, Fantasy and the Real of Sex
-Being the Subject vs the Object of Desire
-Disillusionment From Romantic Fantasies
-Discovering Your Authentic Desires
-Integrity With Your Desires
-The Impact of Abandoned Desire
-Staying True in the Face of Temptation
-Cultivating the Inner Hearth of Desire as Yoga of Devotion to Truth
-Crone Wisdom- What Does The Elder Feminine Know About Sex, Men and Love?
-Wild Woman Wisdom- What Does the Instinctual Woman Know About Sex, Men and Love?
-Holy Woman Wisdom: What Does the Priestess Know About Sex, Men and Love?
-The Inner Marriage
-A New Vision of Love
-Cultivating Wisdom, Discernment and Virtue With Men
You will Receive:
- A live weekly class, each one is 3 hours long. All classes will be recorded.
- Live Workshops Entail Teaching, Micro Coaching and Delicious Embodiment Practices.
--The Liberated Woman Manuscript by Maya with potent teachings, feminist philosophy and inquiry to ignite your liberation.
-Telegram Group for Extra Support and Group Sharing!
Like many women, I spent a good majority of my life revolving my world around getting love from a man.
I seemed to always be in some type of relationship. Even when I set intentions for a period of conscious celibacy, I would quickly abandon my intentions and slip into a new promising romance. While there were good times and bad in my adventures with men.... Deep down I knew something was wrong.
I was terrified of being alone.
Despite being self possessed and independent, I was also strangely fixated on finding love as if my life depended on it. This desperation and lack of discernment created an immense amount of drama and suffering in my life.
Finally I had enough.
I stopped dating, falling in love and engaging in all sex and romance with men. I stopped flirting.
I stopped searching.
I stopped looking for “him”. I just stopped.
During my period of celibacy I entered the ‘ring of fire’- The existential wound in the female psyche born of generations of women who came before us who were bound to men for survival.
As my romantic detox continued, I learned to source my identity from within and truly care for myself. I examined the relational distortions and patterns I was playing out and learned how to cultivate Love, Safety and Deep Nourishment within. I also became the most prolifically creative I have ever been in my entire life. With my magic, shakti and creative energy no longer flowing to a romantic interest, my art and creativity exploded.
Over time, I liberated myself from needing the love of a man to feel whole and created a new template for healthy, mature relationship. Intentional celibacy was the best thing I have ever done for myself.
And I want YOU to have this freedom too.
“Do I have to be single?”
“Do I need to stop relating with all men?”
NO. You need to be committed to abstaining from
sex, romantic love, dating and ‘looking’ for a
partner or lover for the 8 weeks.
Listen to Holy Darkness on Spotify
Listen to Holy Grail on Spotify
Read Feral Secrets of the Deep Feminine
Listen to Podcast interviews of Maya Luna
Experience The Deep Feminine Embodiment Practices