Leaders are better when they have COMMUNITY, GROWTH, and SUPPORT

It can be hard to discern where to go for help and encouragement. 

Leading in ministry is hard and can feel so lonely, but it doesn't have to be this way...

Imagine in 6 months being a leader who

  • acts with conviction and purpose
  • has confidence
  • knows what they are designed to do
  • is leading instead of simply surviving
  • has a powerful community around them cheering them on
  • and so much more!

What is the cost? $200/month

Will you work with my budget? As much as we possibly can!

Can I pay monthly or in one lump sum? Yes! You can pick which option works best for you and your budget.

What if I can't make the live events? Everything will be recorded and available to you forever. You won't miss a thing!

Is this coaching? A mastermind is intended to provide connection with a group. It's not necessarily "coaching" but you will most definitely be mentored and coaching will take place.

Is it only for people in children's ministry? Not at all. This is designed for a leader in any kind of ministry. It is not ministry specific, rather leadership specific. 

Can I sign up my whole team? You can! Contact us if you're looking for a group discount.