As we enter the holiday season, the question of shipping your products becomes a question that you're likely to encounter. Do you ship your products, or are you strictly local pickup? For me, the answer has always been clear—I've been shipping since I first started my business!

Shipping might seem scary, but with the right tools, it can be a breeze. Here are some of my favorite essentials to make the shipping process easier for you:

  1. Bubble Wrap: Protecting your beautiful creations is a top priority!! Bubble wrap serves as a reliable guardian for your art pieces, ensuring they reach their destination unharmed!
  2. Poly Mailers: When it comes to packaging, simplicity is key. Poly mailers have become my go-to choice for shipping. Skip the darm shipping paper—poly mailers are efficient and convenient!
  3. Packing Tape: Somewhat an obvious one. As your packages make their way through the postal service, making sure they're super secured with tape ensures everything arrives intact!
  4. Shipping Scale: A shipping scale is a game-changer! Being able to weight and ship your products from your home without having to go to the post office not only saves you money on shipping, but saves you time and energy too!

Here's to getting comfortable shipping your gorgeous products!