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Wait no more - We are OPEN!!

Just 5 Spots Available.

Are you trying to do it all alone? Get the support, accountability and community to make your business a success.

Does This Sound Like you?

“I feel lonely, it feels like I don’t speak to anyone all day”

"It's like I'm shouting into a void on social media. I don’t stop in my business, but it feels like no one is listening."

"Every day I don’t know where to start. I'm constantly second-guessing myself and wondering if I made the right choices."

"I feel so alone. It's like everyone else has a secret map to success that I'm missing."

"I'm exhausted. Balancing work and personal life is impossible, and I'm starting to crack."

"I'm afraid of failing. What if this is as good as it gets?"

“I keep getting derailed, spending hours on a technical problem and not actually doing what I’m good at”

"I don't know anyone who understands what I'm going through. It's like being on a deserted island."

"I'm constantly comparing myself to others and feeling like I'm falling behind."

"The fear of rejection is crippling. I'm too scared to put myself out there, is video on social media really the only way?"

"I'm losing my passion. The excitement of starting my own business has faded. It just feels like pushing water uphill"

You Are Not Alone

What if there was one place where you could really be honest, true authentic self online?

Trust me when I say, you don’t have to be alone.

You can have the business of your dreams, with the impact, flexibility and happiness you really want. 

Most importantly. You can have a good laugh along the way.

Here’s the truth - You’ve managed to get here, you KNOW you have it in you. 

About Me...

Sarah Bryer

I’m Sarah Bryer, and I’ve created the space I needed 4 years ago when I started my business, and a place I need now, where I can talk about what is really going for me behind the filter and the camera.

I’ve felt so lonely at times, sometimes not speaking to another human apart from my family for days.

Over the last 4 years, I’ve built a great business of my own as a career coach and am a problem solver (so great for other people!).

Add this to the amazing hive mind we have in Skip the Line, you’ll be pushing your way to the front in no time!

You Might Have Seen Me In

If you are reading this, you are probably a lot like me, you started your business for a better life and flexibility, you want a great life - not just a great business.

You’ve already achieved some pretty cool stuff. But this is a new chapter. You feel like something has changed, that there is more you are capable of.

That is why I am opening up an opportunity for you to join

The most wonderful, joyous place EVER

For the last 5 months, I built a place where wonderful women could come, not have to be ‘pitching themselves’ every minute, where being your real self (no filter, no bullsh*t) is mandatory. 

25 women joined me in the test phase, and we have built a place where we come together multiple times a week to help each other live our best lives.

Pricing,Trolls, Tech issues, Business dreams, Sales funnels, TV Shows, Health Issues, Side jobs and bullsh*t bosses, Family Drama, Relationships, Money worries, Clients who don’t pay and imposter syndrome.

You name it, we’ve talked about it.

We bring it all to these sessions, supporting each other, coming up with answers to help each other Skip The Line, push our way to the front and get sh*t done.

Calling it priceless, is literally the biggest understatement ever.

We are now ready to let more people in.

Which Is Why, I’m Over The Moon To Introduce You To:-

Skip The Line

Business Support Community with Sarah Bryer

Let's not get confused, there’s no ‘monthly networking call’ or list of courses and where you have to help yourself.

You know that you never do it.

You are craving a community.

This Is For Women Running Small Businesses Who Want 

To Feel Supported

 Join women - like you who get it, life isn’t a perfect Instagram reel. Get rid of loneliness and welcome in inspiration, connection and support. We are opening to just 5 women at a time to help you settle in well.

Real Strategies

Ask a question, get expertise from me, and the hive mind to get that issue sorted pronto.

No fluff, it’s stuff you can do now… literally right now.

To Bring Your Whole Self

Whether you show up in tears of sadness or joy, someone will always check in on you if you aren’t your usual self. Success isn’t all about money- it’s about creating a life you are happy to be in. You don't get rainbows without the rain.

Join Our Community Now

Skip the Line is a place where you can be with people LIKE YOU, people who sometimes have earned bugger all this week. Women who are juggling mental health, childcare responsibilities and a job. 

You are invited to join me, and this fantastic collective of brilliant women as we all move forward from where we are right now, together we will achieve all the dreams for our business.

Skip The Line provides the mindset, support, accountability

and strategy you need to create:-

Financial Freedom, Personal Freedom, 

A sharp mind.

Support to stay on track with the goals that are most important to you

An unbelievably positive place to connect, learn, and grow.

A dream team of people in your pocket when you need them

So you can start to enjoy your business again - right now.


Here's what the members say...

I have so much to learn and grateful to be in a community of powerhouse women who are where I want to be.

I am not letting imposter syndrome ruin my chance of success!

Claire Coney

Since I joined Skip The Line I have overcome obstacles that were holding me back and feel like I have a squad of cheerleaders not just cheering but helping me to move forward.

Rebecca Wong

I really enjoyed the call today and I have to agree that it is nice to get to know people on a personal level without the pitching. So many lovely people to have spoken to.

Gaynor Brown

Skip the Line’ers can expect more sales, more joy, and more freedom - but it’s just the beginning.

Most memberships try and give you loads of ‘value’ by drowning you in watered down pre recorded content. Honestly, who has time to sift through videos all starting with ‘Hi Sue, Hi Jean, Great to see you’… yawn?

This is why - In Skip The Line, the calendar has a lot of space and a lot of calls you can choose from, here are the live workshops coming up

Monthly Masterclass

What's coming up

Skip the Line is different. Running a business (and all the other stuff you are responsible for) isn’t sunshine and rainbows all the time.  

Taking care of yourself and what you need often falls to the bottom of the list, but looking after yourself mentally, emotionally and physically is critical to leading a wonderful life.

If you don’t surround yourself by amazing people who are positive and like you- when you are at your best.

When it all hits the fan, it’s going to all fall down. 

Skip the Line isn’t like other communities

This is a place of connection, support and accountability. 

No Pitching, No Politics, No Ranting (ok sometimes some ranting).

In other words, we are just optimistic, joyful, and realistically ambitious !

NEW For October 2024

Co-Working Space

List of tasks that never get done?

Rock up to this call each Monday with the list in hand.

Declare proudly what you will achieve in the next hour and watch as you actually do it !

I'll be in the main room ready to help if you get stuck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't worry, we got you. Here are some answers for your questions.

I'm already in several online communities. Why do I need another?

What sets our community apart is there is not 1000's of courses - while this might seem 'value for money' - how many have you actually watched? You have up to 4 times a week to come to real, in person conversations with people who know what you are going through. We're focused on providing community, laughs, actionable advice, networking opportunities and a support system that you cannot get anywhere else.

I'm too busy to join another community.

Are you in a community, or a monthly call with loads of courses that you never have time to do? You don't need to come 4 x a week, but knowing the facebook community is there whenever you need some help or cheering on is worth it's weight.

I'm not sure if the investment is worth it.

Our community helped a member achieve £490 from a project becasue we gave advice to have the right conversation with the client after a change in scope.

Some members have picked up new clients within the community, there have been 10+ transactions from people who were strangers from 25 people in 3 months.

Members are collaborating, and bringing opportunities to other members because they have got to know them well, not just from a 60 sec pitch once a month.

Where else could you go to do this for just over £2 a meeting?

I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to a long-term membership.

That;'s why Skip The Line is on a rolling monthly basis. Let us show you why you should stay, instead of compelling you to. If it's not for you, or you are not getting your money's worth - let me know - no hard feelings, and you can come back anytime.

I'm not sure if I'll fit in.

Our community is welcoming and inclusive. We have members from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Learning difficulties, autism, ADHD, mental health conditions, introverted and entroverted. We encourage everyone to contribute and support one another.

The only thing you must be is a good person. There are no cliques here.

I hate pitching myself all the time, will I have to do this four times a week?

Hell no. Women build relationships through community and stories. Whilst we want to know what you do to give context to your life - we don't want to hear the same thing on a weekly basis.

You hate doing it, and to be honest, we all zone out after a while. We want to hear your wins and your losses, how you burned the dinner and kicked ass at a presentation.

Still Waiting? … Time To Skip The Line.

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