Have you ever felt the power of silence?

taking a break from that voice inside your head. The one that doesn't stop talking, judging, criticising, and nagging through your day. 

What if there was just quiet?

What if you could take a break from your own thoughts?

What if you could find the space to breathe?

What if you could bring deep tranquility to your heart and mind?

Day of Silence is a 1 day silent yoga and meditation retreat to explore the power of silence. This 1 day retreat is set up to drop you slowly into silence. When the mind gets quiet, you feel grounded, settled, and at peace.

Silence doesn't happen all at once. It happens gradually as you peel away the layers of tension, leaving you calm and comfortable in your body and mind.

When you practice yoga or meditation, you get quiet for a little while, but when you go back to your daily life, your thoughts come flooding back.

When you stop talking for longer periods of time, your mind becomes quiet. Your body becomes still, your mouth becomes still, and slowly your thoughts also become still. 

Replace tight muscles and a stressed mind with deep contentment. 

Day of Silence

Saturday, July 13, 9am-4pm in Wayland, MA

Sign up below!

$99 for the day, plus bring a dish to share for lunch!

In the late 90s, I attended a 4 day silent retreat where I didn't speak for 4 days. I’m not sure what attracted me to this particular retreat.

As someone who was used to being constantly on the go, never finding a moment of quiet, this was a huge change. I practiced yoga and meditation, listened to lectures, ate, moved, and shared a dorm room with 5 other women I didn't know, all in silence.

At first, I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I was used to making small talk with people, and now I was only talking silently to myself. I just had to be with the thoughts spinning in my head.

Initially, the chatter in there was loud, unpleasant, and quite critical, as it tended to be at that time in my life. But now I was quiet enough to notice. I didn’t have my usual distractions to keep them at bay, so they all came booming in. Worrying about what others were thinking, was I doing this right, why am I doing this, etc, was now incessant.


My tension and inner discord began melting away. I dropped into a deep peace that I had never known before. My anxious racing mind, that rattled on with all sorts of nonsense, started to quiet down. I allowed myself to be truly present with myself. I noticed that my own internal monologue got quieter too. It slowed to the point of barely existing. There was simply quiet and calm. Silence.

I found I enjoyed not speaking. My mind was relaxed, but I also felt an ease in my body that was unfamiliar. Muscles let go, I wanted to move more slowly and intentionally than I normally did. This was quite an awakening.

The peace was like dropping into a pool, that empty soundlessness, hearing only your breath. I could just be. I could be me, as I was, not needing to be anyone but myself. When I exhaled, it was as if it were the first time. Pure relief.

 For the first time in my life, I felt truly at peace.

"There are no strangers here, only friends you have not yet met."

~William Butler Yeats

Your Mind Before: "I need to remember to go to the store and get those things, and Sarah needs to get to soccer practice, and Brian needs new sneakers, and I have to get those emails done by Friday so that we can get the ball rolling with that new project, and..."

Your Mind After: "{silence}" 

General Schedule

We'll begin the day with introductions and expectations, then we'll drop into silence. I will guide you through a yoga practice, then our first of a few different meditation practices for the day. We'll share a meal in silence, go for a walk in the neighborhood, and complete the day sharing about our experience of the day.

You get to experience the group energy of being in community, receive guidance throughout the day, and feel the quiet and tranquility of practicing yoga and meditation.

Yoga, meditation, walking, community, and silence.

What people are saying about retreats with Janine:

"My favorite part was being able to trust and open up without judgement."

"What I love the most is that everyone is always invited to take care of themselves and do what’s right for her or him."

"The yoga retreat is a beautiful gift in which one gets to share, grow, and be supported by the group and expertly executed by our amazing mentor and guide Janine. When the body, mind, and soul have been expertly nourished through meditation and yoga, (and amazing food!) in a comfortable and safe environment, knowledge and growth shows no limits. We leave the retreat craving more and look forward to the next opportunity to expand our consciousness with an amazingly skilled and wonderful instructor! 🙏!"

"I found when I did the yoga, meditation and journaling in the morning, my day was more relaxed. It has motivated me to build a new morning routine! Thanks, Janine!

"Janine is a fabulous yoga teacher and has a wealth of knowledge to help others who are on their own journey to healing. I would highly recommend joining Janine for the next yoga excursion so you to can practice yoga and enjoy the relaxing environment with like minded people."

"I really enjoyed the mediation and I want to incorporate that more into my life."

    Fill out the form below to sign up for Day of Silence, your opportunity to meet yourself where you are surrounded by a warm, welcoming community.

    $99 for the day, plus bring a dish to share for lunch.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    When will the retreat take place?

    This one-day retreat will be on Saturday, July 13, from 9am-4pm, rain or shine. The day will be broken up with yoga, various meditation practices, a pot-luck lunch, and a walk in the yard or in the neighborhood.

    Who is this retreat for?

    Anyone can join this retreat, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are with yoga and meditation. This is your opportunity to explore yoga and meditation in a more concentrated way. Retreats allow you to go a bit deeper into these practices to fully immerse yourself in the experience without the distractions of everyday life.  You get to practice in community and benefit from the group energy that it creates. 

    This is an all-levels event. As with all of my classes, you can modify or challenge yourself as you see fit. This is your practice, I simply give guidance and suggestions. 

    What do I need to bring with me?

    Please bring a yoga mat, props that you like, and something to sit on for meditation (cushion, blanket-- there will be chairs available for those that want them). Also please bring a food dish to share with the group. I will create a more specific list for this as we get closer. We'll be doing some meditative walking, so please bring comfortable supportive shoes. There is water available, but please bring a water bottle that you can refill as needed. Lastly, bring a journal and a pen as we'll be doing some reflection through the day.

    Where will the retreat be held?

    This retreat will be in Wayland, MA at 9 Trinity Studio Space. There is space for up to 15 people. If it rains, there is an indoor space available to use, but most of this retreat will be outside. There is shade available in the outdoor space, but if it's too hot, we can go inside for a break from the heat and sun. If it's raining, please bring rain gear as we'll still be walking outside. How far or long you walk is completely up to you. This is your practice.

    Why should I do a 1 day retreat?

    Retreats in general are about immersion. When you spend more time practicing yoga and meditation, the layers of tension fall away and you are left feeling settled, grounded, and deeply nourished. The feeling you get after a single yoga or meditation practice is amplified and intensified. Retreat is the concentrated version of a yoga or meditation class where you release stress and anxiety, and trade them in for tranquility and harmony. Find your center in this 1 day retreat.

    How much does it cost?

    $99 covers all activities for the day. If you sign up by June 21, 2024, receive $10 off using the code SILENCE. You will also receive the Mindful Moments Bundle ($27 value), 10 short meditation practices to shift your mind in minutes! Click the button below to sign up today!