Join me for a Freshly Minted

taster session!

I’m delighted to invite you to a FREE session, where  you can experience the magic of women's group coaching for yourself. 

I’ll be gently guiding you to adopt healthier habits that will: 

✅​ Help you to feel more positive about yourself

✅​Calm your stress levels

✅​Boost your energy

✅​Increase your emotional resilience

✅​Protect your long-term health

✅​Allow you to feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Join me on:

Tuesday, 8th October

8 - 9pm (British Summer Time)

In this free 60-minute session, you’ll benefit from my coaching - plus the momentum and support of coming together with like-minded women. You can find out more about my Freshly Minted membership for women here.


 “Joining Freshly Minted has turned my wellbeing around. I sleep better, I eat better, I’m exercising more consistently, my mood is more stable and I cope with stress better. I feel energised, calm and positive about myself.”  Katy Grele

Reserve your spot here!


Hi, I’m Suzy Glaskie. I’m a health coach and champion for women who are oh-so-ready to finally thrive. For the past 8 years, I’ve been supporting women like you to reclaim their energy, vibrancy, emotional resilience and zest for life.

I crafted Freshly Minted to help you feel like a brand-new woman. It’s my mission to help you to live more healthfully; ditching that greyed-out, sagging, sluggish feeling that has kept you stuck for too long.

I’ve been through this transformation to living life in full technicolour myself; I’m happier and healthier in my 50s than I was in any decade before. And I know just how important it is to have the right support in place when it comes to achieving your wellbeing goals.

© 2023 Peppermint Wellness | Suzy Glaskie Certified Health Coach | All rights reserved