Welcome to:

Together We Rise


The ultimate 8 week group programme for women who are ready to reclaim their power and step into confidence.

Join the waitlist now and you will get access to...

  • First access to join the programme, before anyone else 😍 (limited spaces)
  • Receive exclusive discount on the programme
  • personalised 1:1 coaching session with me

*Available to waitlist members ONLY*

By signing up to the waitlist, you are not committed to purchasing the programme

Together We Rise is an 8 week group programme, exclusively for women who are ready to take back control of their life, reclaim joy and finally start putting themselves first 🙌🏻

This group programme is designed to help you to move from a place of feeling unsure with where you're at, constantly doubting yourself, comparing yourself to others, lacking confidence and putting everything and everyone before yourself.

You know, those thoughts of not feeling 'good enough'? 

That might look like:

- Texting an ex in the middle of the night looking for validation
- Not sharing your opinion in case people laugh at you
- Masking yourself in order to fit in
- Looking in the mirror and hating every inch of yourself
- Doubting your abilities

You get the picture!

       However, it doesn't have to stay like that because inside Together We Rise, you will begin to feel confident about yourself and your abilities, you'll be able to set healthy boundaries, you'll be able to put yourself first without guilt and feel content about your every day.

      This programme is:

      • For women that want to reclaim their JOY, PASSION and DRIVE for life
      • For women that want to find  soulful connection with other, like-minded women, to feel safe, seen, and heard as part of a beautiful, supportive collective to help each other on this beautifully healing, transformational journey.
      • For women that struggle to make time for themselves and prioritise their needs, who consider themselves as an afterthought, who are constantly 'doing' and find it difficult to slow down and rest WITHOUT guilt.
      • For women who feel less than, not good enough, lack boundaries, who struggle to love themselves and find themselves only focusing on the negatives, leaving you feeling meh, depleted and tired of everything.

      If loving yourself seems foreign to you, all of that is about to change inside...

      Together We Rise

      and get exclusive access

      *by joining the waiting list you are not committed to joining the programme"

      The aim of Together We Rise is to:

      • Help you unveil, identify and overcome any self-limiting beliefs so that you can live without fear of judgement or opinion of others.
      • Help you regain + build confidence, to learn how to love yourself, by adopting a compassionate mindset - for a stronger, positive & beautiful relationship with self (and others)
      • Prioritise yourself and your needs without guilt - so that you feel fulfilled & content with life.
      • Learn how to say no and set healthy boundaries - so that no one walks all over you again.
      • Identify your strengths, life values and what's important to you - so that life feels balanced. 
      • To set intentions and goals for your future and how to move towards them - so you can take confident, aligned action to get what you want.
      • To feel excited AF about life everyday and the woman you're continuing to become.
      • To be able to accept and love yourself fully - so that you no longer seek external validation or look to others to complete you, because you're already whole.


      I remember when R came to me before signing up to this group programme having no self-belief or confidence in herself to make her own decisions. This meant procrastinating on things that really mattered to her, but within a couple of weeks inside the programme things began to positively shift!

      The message below was after our FIRST session inside the group.

      There was evidently already positive shifts happening for not only her, but the entire group. This is the magic of connection and support in a safe space of women.

      Below is the message she wrote inside the private group at the end of the programme.
      We did a personal hypnosis session together to bring about transformative change.

      The self-doubt she previously had completely evaporated and the thing she had been putting off for 10 + years became a no brainer.

      She signed up to return to study, trusted herself and believed she could do it.

      Now she's balancing study and motherhood and is truly thriving!

      What to expect - Module breakdown:

      Week 1:

      Setting intentions for the duration of the programme, checking in with where you're at right now and where you want to be +

      Unveiling and reframing any self-limiting beliefs and critical self-talk, in order to overcome them

      Week 2:

      Homework + Implementation + group support.

      This part of the process is so important for you to begin to integrate and embody all your learnings. Sure you can show up to the calls, but without taking the action, you won't see the results you desire.

      Together we are going to be practicing everything that you learn inside the programme, in order to make those life long changes that you desire 💖

      Week 3:

      Understanding the importance of self-love, what it means to you and how to apply it to your life.

      is the foundation of everything.

      Week 4:

      Homework + Implementation + group support.

      Week 5:

      Learn how to set healthy boundaries and  communicate them clearly and effectively, so you can say goodbye to getting walked all over!

      Week 6:

      Homework + Implementation.

      Week 7:

      Identifying your strengths + core life values and how to live in alignment with them (identifying what is important to YOU!)

      Week 8:

      Bonus session - Ending the journey with a powerful group hypnosis + celebrations and reflections - aka a group party! 🥳😍


      Together We Rise includes:

      • 8 weeks of high level support via a private group
      • 5 x 60 minute group sessions 
      • Live group meditations & hypnosis
      • Guided journaling + prompts (and divinely guided, intentional homework)
      • Sessions recorded for lifetime access
      • An intimate group of like-minded women (8/10 max)
      • Compassionate accountability

      Join the waiting list below for the next round of Together We Rise, coming August 2024

      By joining the waiting list you are not committed to joining the programme

      Imagine this...

      You wake up feeling content, you have a smile on your face. You fulfil your morning routine and fill up your cup and you feel amazing.

      You feel excited about the day ahead rather than with dread.

      You have a spring in your step and when you look in the mirror you smile at your reflection, you feel truly proud of yourself and love every inch of YOU!

      The relationships in your life feel abundant, that inner critic no longer exists and self-compassion becomes the new norm.

      When your head hits the pillow before you fall asleep you say gratitude for everything you have and are in life.

      You know you have all the answers inside yourself.

      You fully believe in yourself and your abilities and the future excites you!

      Other women are no longer your competition, you no longer compare yourself to others or feel like you're not good enough.

      Instead you celebrate your uniqueness and recognise your strengths

      Other women are now your support system for you to thrive together equally 🩷

      More info to follow, keep your eyes peeled 🤩

      Lots of love,



      Keep a close eye on your emails and don't forget to check spam! 😃