Below is your ideal plan based on your score.........

Score: 1% - 30%
If you want to lose weight or change your health, you get on and just do it! You can follow a plan and aren't too worried about long term weight loss. You would love the 21 Day Jeans of Truth Plan: it's quick, nutritious and comes with a simple mindset plan & a pre-set meal plan if you need it!

Score: 31% - 70%
You have tried many times to lose weight and end up in a cycle of loss & gain. What you don't know about food & calories isn't worth knowing! But you also know that it's not about the size of your jeans: you want to feel contentment in your body. The Hub Membership Plan is perfect for you!

Score: 71% - 100%
You have tried many times to lose weight and end up in a cycle of loss & gain. What you don't know about food & calories isn't worth knowing! But you want to delve a bit deeper & need more support to kick off your journey. Join The Hub Membership Plan & also get  1-2-1 support for 5 weeks!