I'm thrilled you are taking your first step towards personal growth and self-reflection. This 60-minute session is designed to provide significant impact. The cost of this Zoom based coaching call is $225.00. 

First, I will be sending you a questionnaire to ensure we are a match as well as ensure our call is effective. 

Second, I think it's best to share that I do push my clients to confront limiting beliefs and embrace personal responsibility and you can expect that, plus insights, mindset shifts, and homework. 

In addition, please know that I can't accept every request as space is limited. 

That being said, I want you to know that filling out the form is neither an obligation for a call, for immediate payment, or for any additional calls. Don't expect a sales pitch. You decide if you'd like to continue working together after the call - it's your journey. 

If this resonates - send me your information and I will send you the questionnaire. Ciao for now.