When and where are the meetings held? 

We now have 2 x online meetings. 

Third Thursday of the month from 6pm - 8.30 pm 

PLUS First Friday of the month 1pm - 3.30pm 

Next Meetings Thursday 20th  June 6.00pm- 8.30pm 

 Friday 5th July  1pm - 3.30pm 


When you connect to your powerful feminine energy, you will get in touch with your higher self.

At the same time, you will energetically activate an abundance of clients, money, and everything else that you choose to experience. You will notice that things start to take shape quickly, and you will strengthen your intuition, be inspired to take action and call in unexpected opportunities quickly and with ease.

Wise Women helps women in business to break the rules and smash through to their next level of growth, in a confidential space where they reconnect with their deep feminine knowing, that can get lost whilst working in a man’s world.

There are three different levels of Wise Women. Depending on how deep you’d like to go.

You will energetically activate an abundance of clients, money, and everything else that you choose to experience. You will notice remarkable synchronicities happening quickly, and at the same time, you will strengthen your intuition, be inspired to take action and develop your focusing ability.

Wise Women is a place where we combine logical business development in a space with like-minded women in business so that you can lead your business with clarity and ease.

Join us at our monthly Wise Women Business Hubs for a soulful session of business mentoring as Frances blends her coaching, marketing, and energy skills in these powerful and insightful sessions. Your business is a direct reflection of your energy, so it makes sense to explore what sits beneath the surface for you. These sessions are for women in business who want to connect in a deeper way to help them become wiser business owners. We’ll cover the logic of how to make sales and convert inquiries into actual paying customers, but more importantly, we’ll connect to our powerful feminine. Because when we release blocks that sit beneath the surface, our business will thank us for it. The workshops will be split into two parts.

During the first part, Frances will share the theoretical topic of the evening, and help you to understand this at a logical level.

In the second part, one woman will get the opportunity to share a challenge that she faces and together we’ll support her in finding a solution to the challenge that she has in her business or personal life. because everything is energy and a direct reflection of our businesses.

Every month there will be a different subject. We’ll explore -
Self Worth
Calling in your perfect clients energetically
Creating consistent income
Energetic marketing
Energetic selling
Creating a smart business
Money - it is always an inside job

And finally we'll end with a powerful Consciousness Journey to help any energetic blocks that are sitting beneath the surface.

When and where are the meetings held? 

Thursday 20th june from 6.00pm - 8.30pm 

Friday5th July   1pm - 3.30pm  

You'll receive a Zoom link 24 hours before the meeting. 

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

To secure your place please click on the payment button below. You'll receive your Zoom link 24 hours before the event.

Thank you 

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Wise Women Business Hub

Monthly meetings where women in business deep dive into their powerful feminine with coaching and business support.

22.00 GBP

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