Hi! I’m Sherri!

I help betrayed women not only survive—but thrive—as they step into their best lives while healing from the soul-crushing pain of sexual betrayal.

I’ve gone from being a camp counselor to a journalist, newspaper editor, graphic designer and betrayal trauma coach, so I believe that anything is possible as we learn, grow and transform.

I started my own graphic design business over 30 years ago and still find joy and healing in all things creative. I loved having the flexibility to be a full time mom to my daughter, while also being able to pursue my passion for creativity through a career in graphic design.

I’ve always enjoyed helping people. In fact, many of my most treasured (and fun) graphic design projects were labors of love (aka free work) for friends and family. Admittedly it wasn’t the best business model, but it certainly was very gratifying to help create memorable party invitations and party favors for the people I treasured the most.

So how did I make the shift from full time mom and freelance graphic designer to betrayal trauma coach? The short answer is life happened. I’ve learned that life experience, while excruciatingly painful, can be the greatest teacher and motivator.


In February of 2020 I was completely blindsided when less than 24 hours after our full therapeutic disclosure my then husband of 21 years informed me that he no longer wanted to be married. Walking into the disclosure I truly believed we were on the path to healing our relationship, which I later learned was impacted by his secret sexual behaviors from the very beginning. Our disclosure, which was neither full nor therapeutic, was supposed to be a fresh start that would enable us to finally move forward with truth, transparency and trust. Instead it was the beginning of the end.

Leading up to our disclosure I joined a small coaching group for betrayed women, where I gained a wealth of knowledge and education about betrayal trauma, pornography addiction and sexual addiction. More importantly, I found a community filled with the kindest, bravest, most amazing women who offered me support, validation and the connection I so desperately needed.

It was through my own healing work in the betrayal trauma group that I learned I wasn’t crazy. I learned my intuition has always been spot on. And I learned that someone’s compulsive sexual behaviors have nothing to do with their partner not being “good enough”, or anything enough for that matter. Addiction is not a relationship issue, although it certainly causes problems in the relationship. Most importantly, I learned that I wasn’t alone. I leaned on my coach and my small group of betrayed women to help get me through the darkest time of my life.

I am eternally grateful for the education, validation and support I received as I was navigating this painful road. For me the next logical step was to turn my pain into purpose by helping other women heal from the devastating and long lasting effects of betrayal trauma.

I began coaching over 3 years ago and it has been and continues to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It’s also helped me see how more than anything betrayed women need a safe, supportive environment to share their stories and connect with others who understand what they’re going through. In my coaching program my clients learn there is a clear path you can take to help you heal, survive and even thrive through the ups and downs of betrayal trauma, regardless of whether or not your partner chooses recovery.

On a personal note…

I LOVE walking my dog; rollerskating with my daughter; playing skeeball; creating and designing; listening to podcasts; listening to music; going to plays and concerts; game nights; entertaining; and spending time with friends and family. It’s the little everyday things in life that bring me the most joy.


I love reviews! They are PROOF that WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU are getting


Listen as my clients share their journey and how they found safety, strength and connection through my small group coaching program.