Are you ready to Dive Deeper into Your Yoga Practice, both on and off the mat?

Is this you?

  • If you are a seeker of wisdom and inner self-growth, this course is for you.

  • If you want to better understand how YOUR body practices yoga poses, this course is for you.

  • If you want to increase your knowledge of useful anatomy in yoga poses, this course is for you.

  • If you want to explore Breathing Practices to reduce stress and improve energy, this course is for you.

  • If you want to learn more about Meditation and Mindfulness and how to apply them to your daily life, this course is for you.

  • If you are interested in self-exploration, self-inquiry, and self-compassion, this course is for you.

  • If you want to learn what it means to “take yoga off the mat,” this course is for you.

  • If you’ve wanted to do a Yoga Teacher Training simply for your own edification, this course is for you.

Diving Deeper into Your Yoga Practice is an 8-month course that explores all 8 Limbs of Yoga in a slow, methodical way to help you integrate yoga into your daily life. You will learn to treat yourself with kindness and gentleness, and live with more peace in your heart. You will learn skills, techniques, and wisdom to live a life grounded in honesty, non-judgment, and compassion, toward yourself and others.

Most people start practicing yoga through the physical (asana) practice, but yoga has so much more to offer us. There are actually 8 limbs to Yoga, the physical practice is just one of them: 

Yamas (Restraints), Niyamas (Inner Observances), Asana (Physical Postures), Pranayama (Breath Work), Pratyahara (Sensory Withdrawal), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation), and Samadhi (Contemplation). 

This 8 month course is a deep dive into all 8 limbs of yoga and how they can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. This course will leave you with an expanded understanding of what practicing yoga is all about, and how to integrate it into your life. Yoga isn't only something you do on a mat, Yoga is a way to live and be in the world.

Imagine if you could:

  • Meet life's challenges with curiosity, rather than reactivity
  • Develop a daily yoga practice that was exactly what you needed that day
  • Learn control over your breathing to directly and immediately change your mood or energy level
  • Have confidence in your poses, that you could practice and play with them to benefit your body on any given day
  • Understand meditation on a deeper level as a way to connect to your desires, your motivation, and your true nature, to notice what is
  • Be in community with other people who are seeking to understand themselves better

Diving Deeper into Your Yoga Practice 

This is your opportunity to explore all that Yoga has to offer, both on and off the mat!

Topics each month:

Module 1: Introductions, Foundations of Yoga (8 Limbs)

Modules 2-4: Deepening Asana practice (anatomy, alignment, understanding different types of movement, planes of movement, strength, balance, transitions, mobility, kinesthetic awareness, use of props to enhance practice)

Module 5: Understanding Pranayama

Module 6: Meditation and Mindfulness

Module 7: Exploring Yamas and Niyamas, yoga off the mat

Module 8: Developing a home practice incorporating the 8 limbs; final thoughts and sharing, closing ceremony

Logistical Details:

  • We'll meet one Saturday a month in person and once a month over Zoom (time TBD by students)
  • We'll have a dedicated Facebook group specifically for people in this course to share wisdom, “aha” moments, daily gratitude, and anything else that feels relevant. I will go live once a week in the group to answer questions for anyone who wants/needs more support. This will be our online community home base where we can share what we are learning, what sparks our spirit, and where we can connect between meetings.
  • We’ll be reading Eight Limbs of Yoga: a Handbook for Living Yoga Philosophy by Stuart Ray Sarbacker and Kevin Kimple, Being Human: the Yamas and Niyamas by Sara Adams, and Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews over the course of the 8 months

One time payment $1997.00 USD

Payment plan: 8 payments of $250

Plus these bonuses, if you register by October 9th!

Bonus #1, value $497:

Access to Back to Yoga Basics! This 4 week course covers the basics of alignment of 25 yoga poses, meditation, and pranayama (breath control work) to give you a solid foundation from which to work. You can take this as an on demand course, or you can join the next cohort beginning on November 27th, 2023!

Bonus #2, value $150:

One 1:1 private session to be scheduled at any time during the 8 months to get more personal attention, get your questions answered, and explore whatever you want to cover in a bit more depth. This one hour session can be scheduled on line or in person. 

"Thank you, Janine, for all of your help and support. I have not felt confident to work with many teachers in the area and have stayed away from yoga due to my fear of worsening my injuries. It means the world to know that I have a trusted yoga teacher and practitioner that I can call with questions, and I feel as if this is just the beginning. There is so much I want to explore in terms of your classes. I am very grateful for all that you offer as a teacher, I will definitely recommend your courses. Thank you!"

"Janine’s passion for healthy, active lifestyle is evident from her dedication to her students and the course materials which support them!"

"I truly think the {Strength and Mobility for Your Active Life: Core and Lower Back} course was excellent. Thank you so much for offering it. It is something that i will refer back to over and over again. I truly learned so much."

"Janine did a great job with explaining all the poses and following up with the live class and coursebook {Back to Yoga Basics}."

"I am still working through the {Strength and Mobility for Your Active Life: Core and Lower Back} course, but it exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I found the written material so helpful as well as the videos. I have truly learned so much - more than I thought I would."

"My mind is often a mess when I rush to the mat. Your guidance, humor, and love of the form helps straighten that mess out or at least tidies it up a bit by the time class ends. This is something I never expected from yoga." 

"I am super grateful for you/your classes, the schedule of classes and platforms (live, recorded, in-person), and your teaching style."

Are you ready to Dive Deeper into Your Yoga Practice? Click the button below to sign up!