Comedy voor en door de Community

Samen lachen en genieten van Queer Comedy. Met onze lokale partners organiseren wij in de gehele BeNeLux comedy shows. Willen jullie ook samen een show organiseren? Stuur ons een mail en wij nemen contact op. 

Meld je hier aan voor onze nieuwsbrief (check je spam voor de bevestigingsmail) of volg ons op Instagram, zo ben je altijd op de hoogte van onze activiteiten. 

Comedy for and by the Community

Laugh together and enjoy Queer Comedy. With our local partners, we organise comedy shows throughout the BeNeLux. Would you also like to organise a show together? Send us an e-mail and we will get in touch.

Subscribe to our newsletter here (check your spam for the confirmation e-mail) or follow us on Instagram, so you will always be up to date with our activities.

Our activities

Onze activiteiten

Queer Open Mic - Bar Buka

Every month we organize a Queer Open Mic at Bar Buka; a safe space to try new material. Comedians perform in Dutch and English.

Pride Comedy Nights

We organize Pride Comedy Nights ourselves or with other Pride organisations. Sign up for the newsletter or follow us on Instagram for updates.

WhatsApp Community

For Queer comedians, we have a WhatsApp Space. A safe space where we support and motivate each other. Let us know when you want to join.