Terms of Use (TOU):

Updated 2023-02-27

Thank you for your purchase! By purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Jennifer Singleton/Curious Kids Travel Club, and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product.

You May:

  • use items (free and purchased) for your own classroom students, or your own personal use.
  • reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development workshops, or other such venues PROVIDED
    • there is both credit given to Curious Kids Travel Club as the author AND
    • a link back to either my TPT store or my website is included in your post or presentation.
  • distribute and make copies of FREE ITEMS ONLY to other teachers PROVIDED
    • there is credit given to Curious Kids Travel Club AND
    • a link back to my TPT store or website.

You May Not:

  • make copies of purchased items to share with or be used by others, including an entire team, grade level, department, school or district.
  • transfer the license from one teacher to another, even if the teacher who purchased it leaves the classroom or changes schools.
  • claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove/attempt to remove the copyright or watermarks.
  • sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale or free.
  • use this file, in whole or in part, to create another product, either free or for purchase.
  • extract/attempt to extract any clipart and elements found in these files.
  • post these documents for sale or free elsewhere on the internet.
  • obtain this product through any of the channels listed above.

Failure to comply with these terms is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Thank you for abiding by universally accepted codes of professional ethics while using this product.

Please contact me at fun@curiouskidstravelclub.com if you have any questions.