what you need to know 


Explore the relationship you hold with yourself. A transformative workshop dedicated to fostering self-acceptance and deepening your understanding of your core needs. Rooted in the present moment, you'll awaken to your 'strategic' self and reconnect with your 'true' self. Redefine the quality of connection you have with yourself and navigate your relational life with openness, confidence and self-compassion. 


Incorporating the transformative practice of Rebirthing, this retreat takes you through a guided group breathwork session that gently explores suppressed emotions and dormant aspects of your being. Witness the unfolding of your unconscious mind, fostering healing and deeper self-connection.


Immerse yourself in a supportive community, focusing collectively on the experiences that arise during the retreat. This shared exploration creates a compassionate atmosphere, encouraging connection and understanding among participants.


Learn the art of leading with vulnerability and courage in your relationships, both with yourself and others. A holistic approach to help you tend to your nervous system and restore relational health.


If you’re dealing with severe trauma, you are advised to communicate this to Erica or Olivia before the session, so they can do their best to offer a supportive and tailored approach to your needs, and make sure you have a great experience. 

your hosts


Since 2016, I’ve specialised in helping health focusses, growth oriented humans to optimise their connection to self, and generate a sense of aliveness, meaning and freedom in their life and relationships. By holding the foundational view that the mental health crisis is a relational crisis at its core, my mission today is about breaking unhealthy generational cycles. 

Through their dedication and willingness to become better, more resourceful humans, my clients move from a state of exhaustion and over-functioning, to an experience of life that is marked by feelings of self-assurance and vitality. 

I do so by guiding people into new ways of dissolving their inner turmoil, and teach them the nuts and bolts of how to navigate old and new relationships with confidence - including the one with themselves. 

I am a UK based licensed Relationship Coach, Self Discovery Mentor, and Holistic Body Therapist determined to make the world a more deeply connected place.


Olivia is a deeply passionate Holistic Mind-Body-Spirit Therapist who specialises in Bowen Therapy and Rebirthing Breathwork to help people discover inner harmony, regain wholeness and to live pain free lives.

Olivia finds great inspiration and joy in creating supportive communities centered around self-development. 

Her mission is to cultivate safe spaces where people can naturally explore the depths of their beings and unconscious minds with kindness and empathy.

Her approach is rooted in her empathic ability, heart-centeredness, unwavering integrity, strong presence, and dedicated commitment to the improvement and complete recovery of her clients.

Olivia's offerings include her online one-on-one rebirthing sessions, in-person group rebirthing breathwork events, and in-person Bowen Therapy support and private rebirthing sessions across the Leeds & North Yorkshire area.

Join us on this unforgettable, intentional retreat.

We can't wait to connect with you.

E & O