At Eros  ~Erotic Temples, we invite you to embrace your innate right to pleasure and become the center of your own euphoria. Our sacred spaces are modelled after ancient erotic temples and are designed to foster intimacy, connection and the celebration of ecstasy and pleasure. 

As the pioneers of a new age of Tantra Temples, EROS offers an evening of indulgence dedicated to pleasure, intimacy, connection, play and embodiment.

In order for you to have the best experience possible, there are some important things we'd like to speak to so you feel fully prepared before entering the space. 

Please ensure to watch all of the video's on this page before the night.

We're excited to see you soon!

VIDEO 1 - Introduction

VIDEO 2 - What To Wear

VIDEO 3 - What To Expect

VIDEO 4 - What The Space Is And Isn't

VIDEO 5 - Nervous System

VIDEO 6 - What To Do If You Find Yourself Dysregulated

VIDEO 7 - Intimacy Tools

RBDSM chat
Setting up a scene
After care

Temple Facilitators

Interested in knowing more about EROS~ Erotic Temples?

Mistress Eros and Elodie were interviewed for a podcast episode with Daniel Erulian from 'Make Yoga Magick Again'. They chatted all about Temple, what it is and what's involved. Sign up with your email to learn more and receive the link to listen 

If you have any questions for us, please email us at [email protected]

* EROS~Erotic Temples are 18+ events only *