⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Three 5 Star Seals
Best of 2023 Audiobook Award Winner

Colony life had been a positive force for two centuries, or so Gift thought. Her relentless optimism struggles to silence the gnawing doubts stirred by recent conspiracy theories—rumors and lies she considered them, at first. When the whispers grow into a deafening din and discontent sprouts acts of sabotage, Gift discovers her beloved New Europa wasn’t as tranquil and hopeful as she believed.

Gift Ojo, a 26-year-old Nigerian Italian with the joy and innocence of an adolescent, loved her life. A simple system rewarded her with beloved friends and satisfying work, contributing to their efforts to survive on a hostile world while terraforming prepared the outside for future generations.

When the foundations of her society are challenged, unimaginable circumstances place Gift on a path that would change her life, change who she was, forever. Will she be able to retain her innocence, hold onto her ideals and virtues, while becoming the reluctant hero needed to save her colony and those she loves?

“Hope didn’t need details. Part of its wonder lay in anticipation of the surprise.”

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