FREE Webinar

I’m going to show you my step by step formula for what to do when, so you do things right the first time, can de-stress and enjoy your puppy and be sure they grow up to be the perfect family dog.

I’m so excited to announce that on TUESDAY DECEMBER 10th AT 6:00 PM I’m hosting a free class designed to show you the exact path you and your puppy will take to reach happily ever after.

The training takes place in zoom

After this Workshop .....


You’ll have CLARITY on what your GOALS are in the short term so you can be confident you are focusing on the right things at the right time.


You’ll know the 4 KEY SKILLS puppies need to learn TODAY so you can reclaim your home and sanity.


You’ll understand THE MOST important part of puppy raising so you can be sure to have a happy, confident dog.


You’ll discover how you can TALK TO YOUR PUPPY IN A WAY THEY WILL UNDERSTAND so you can quickly change their behavior and bring some harmony back to your home.