About Me

Hey there 👋 My name is Timothy Waterman. I'm a non-gender conforming human who's overcome a lot in this life thus far 🙂 Overcome a lot so that I could get to a place where I feel happy and at ease much more of the time 🌟 What exactly have I overcome? I'll get specific and list out a few things for you 👇

• On-and-Off Depression Until the age of 30 (wow, it's been a good 8-years since then 😉)

• Constant worry, angst, and overwhelm between my early teens and early thirties 😣

• Exposure to dogmatic beliefs that led me to create terrible inner narratives about myself through my teens, twenties, and early thirties 😔

• Oppression, condemnation, and bullying based on my sexual orientation 🏳️🌈✨

• Complete mental + emotional + physical burnout from a career path in Corporate America -- by the age of 30 👔

• A divorce after 5.5 of years of marriage at the age of 30. We were together for a total of 8-years 👬

• Starting my life over 2,600 miles away from where I was raised in Upstate, NY (at the age of 30)💼

• SO much shifted in my early thirties haha 🤣

• Perfectionism, Chronic OCD, Panic Attacks, and People-Pleasing...

• All without meds 💊 

And I've overcome much more than that!! How, you may ask? It started with an open mind, a willingness to depart from my past, and the courage to start all over again

Eight years ago I let go of everything I knew and moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of my Heart's Big Dream at the time. The dream of studying the craft of acting amidst millions of other dreamers 🎬

I drove from coast to coast with one of my sisters and didn't even have a job lined up on the other side. I had some savings -- about $8,000 -- a car, some clothes, and had rented a room in an apartment for me to land in. 

Transitioning to that city is where I began to discover my, Self. My True Self. Right away, I began attending improv classes and an LGBTQ+ Affirming Methodist Church in Hollywood 🌴 I made friends in both communities and had never felt so free 🙌

Slightly before moving to LA I had discovered the practice of meditation which had helped a lot with my anxiety + overthinking. Once in LA I was also led to many Buddhist and Hindu Practices in terms learning to better manage my mind. Eventually, I discovered Eckhart Tolle 👏 That was the start of what I refer to as my Spiritual Awakening 🕊

For the first time ever it became clear that I was not the 68,000+ thoughts that crossed my mind each day but that I was the observer of them 👈 I noticed that when I focused on thoughts of panic, fear, judgment, or overwhelm that I would feel stress in my body 😖 Man was I tired of that crap 👈

This is where it gets good, really good...

The teachings of Eckhart eventually led me to many other Teachers of the Mind and Consciousness. I had a blast learning from Deepak ChopraGabby Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, and more 👏 Then, there was everything that studying the Art of Acting brought into my life. I learned so much about human relations and I took a deep dive into my inner-world through the Art of Contemplation. (This means, I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours journaling so that I could release and heal from the wounds of my past.)📚

That trans4mation work paid off! Nowadays, I feel more like myself than ever. I feel good in my body, I understand my mind, and I have an ever-deepening connection with my Soul. This has allowed me to have open and honest communication in my life.

I'm able to tell people how I feel and set loving boundaries when needed. I take excellent care of myself and prioritize rest, relaxation, and downtime. I allow myself to have fun and do the things that bring me joy 🎉

On social media , you'll see me expressing myself loud and proud 🕺 Whether it's a feel-good dance video or empowering light language, I feel oh so comfortable being me!

I've also pursued dreams beyond acting and Los Angeles which have included:

• Starting My Personal Breakthrough Guidance Practice 🌈💪

• Living near the mountains in Colorado 🏔

• Exploring the Island of Kauai 🏝

• Sporting a Mohawk, a Beard, and Stretched Ears 👨‍🎤🧔🏻‍♂️

I share all of this so that, hopefully, you can see that if a formally stressed-out, fearful, and closeted person like me can shift into a much better life... YOU can too 👏👏👏This is why I do what I do ✨ I live my life, pursue my dreams, and share my story so that others can witness an example of possibility. 

The possibility of Finding your Self, Loving Your Self, and Better Understanding Your Mind 🧘🏽I Am here to help you feel Empowered ⚡️ Empowered to Live a Life that Feels Genuinely Like You 🙌 People-Pleasing Be Gone!!! It's Time to Live Life on Your Terms. It's Time for You to Give Your Self, INSANE Permission 🎸🤘

Blessings Always,

Timothy Waterman 🕊

Your Trans4mation Will Be Customized 4 You 👈

I'll Be Here to Guide You to a Healthier & More Empowered Relationship with Your, Self.

Empowering Subjects We Can Cover

Self Love

Restore the Relationship with You.

Self Worth

Recognize that You Deserve a Great Life. 

Guilt / Shame

Bring Love to the Inward Pain. 


 Make Peace with Your Past.


Learn to Live in the Moment with more Joy.

Religious Trauma

Restore the Areas of You that feel wrong/bad.


Stop Telling Stories that Freak You Out. 

The Inner Critic

Re-Write How You Relate to Your Self.

Your Dreams

Accept Them as Being a Guide in Life.


Recognize that All You Offer, Matters!


Focus Your Thoughts on What You Want. 


Create Conviction that You're Worthy of Your Desires!

If You Have Questions...

I Am Just an Email Away 📧