Are you up to speed with generative AI?

Join our panel of experts for a half day of AI training specific to Project Managers. Learn new AI skills and get a jump start on the AI adoption revolution!

Earn 6 PDUs/CDUs

Boost Your Project Management Skills with Generative AI!

Are you a project manager or a related professional eager to harness the power of the next tech revolution? Dive into tailored training designed uniquely for your field, ensuring you gain maximum value.

Why Attend?

  • Practical Training: Learn hands-on applications of generative AI to supercharge your project's efficiency and impact.

  • Immediate Implementation: Master tools like ChatGPT and more, equipping you to implement newfound skills right away.

  • Peer Networking: Forge invaluable connections with like-minded professionals recognizing the game-changing potential of this technology.

  • Beginner Friendly: No prior AI knowledge? No problem! This session is designed to welcome all proficiency levels.

  • PDUs/CDUs: Boost your credentials by earning 6 PDUs/CDUs!

  • Valuable Resources: Access to event recordings and a comprehensive resource guide for post-event reference.

Event Details:

Date: December 19, 2023

Time: 10am - 4pm EST

Venue: Live on Zoom


  • Conference recording access
  • Presentation slides in .pdf format
  • Chat transcript
  • AI tools resource guide
  • 25% off any SoftEd AI class for a year

Special pricing available for groups. Email [email protected] for details.

Event speakers

Craig Smith

Global Agility Lead, SoftEd

One of Australia’s premier Agile Trainers for over 20 years and co-host of one of the world’s leading Agile Podcasts (The Agile Revolution), Craig is a long-timecontributor to the Agile community. Craig has presented at numerous
local and international conferences and meetups.

Mei Lin

Project Leader, Texas Capital Bank

Mei stands at the intersection of traditional project management and cutting-edge innovation. As President of the PMI - Dallas Chapter and author of “Mommy is a Project Manager,” Mei is deeply committed to eliminating gender bias in all professions and inspiring future change-makers.

David Mantica

GM of SoftEd US

Drawing from his experience in successfully building a B2B training firm, growing it from scratch to $13M in seven years. His work at SoftEd helps organizations not only cope but thrive even with the ever-changing demands and complexities of modern business.

Lara Hill

Marketing Consultant, 

Sunflow Studio

Having led marketing strategies for various ecommerce and tech startups for over a decade, Lara's approach emphasizes adaptability and delivering value to customers. She enjoys sharing practical advice about how to leverage recent innovations in AI for marketing and communications.

Lawrence Reid

CRM Admin, National Council for Mental Wellbeing

As a passionate CRM evangelist for over 20 years, Lawrence continues to learn and share about the latest advancements in CRM tools and techniques. He has presented topics on CRM and AI at the Dallas Project Management Symposium since 2019 and his paper on “What is ChatGPT and how will it impact project management?” was published in the July edition of PM World Journal.

Michael McCullough

Citizen Development Business Architect, Amtrak

A globally recognized pioneer in Citizen Development, Michael has worked with several organizations, including the Project Management Institute, Microsoft, Gartner, and Amtrak to develop best practices, credentialing, and implementation strategies for low-code technology. Michael’s accolades include being featured in several articles and v-blogs focusing on low-code strategies, speaker at the 2022 PMI Global Conference, and he was the runner-up for the Hamdan bin Mohammed Innovation in Project Management competition. 

Andy Cooper

Group Manager, Global Markets, Skills Consulting Group

Andy is an experienced consultant, agility practitioner and business leader with over 20 years of experience in global software
and consulting organizations. He is an
ICAgile authorized trainer in Business Agility and an active speaker and contributor in the
Business Agility community.

Brian Sykes

Generative AI Expert & AI Business Strategist

Brian Sykes is not just a seasoned branding and marketing expert; he's an industry pioneer who continually ventures where few dare to tread. 
The past year alone saw Brian authoring, producing, and releasing five seminal books on generative AI, aimed at upskilling creative professionals in the application of groundbreaking gen-AI tools like Midjourney and ChatGPT. His dedication to the AI realm led to recognition on LinkedIn as one of the 'Top 100 AI Art Creators and Innovators'.

Chris Knotts

Principal Consultant, Technology Transformation Strategies 

Chris is an experienced leader in enterprise technology with over two decades in training, coaching, and emergent technology enablement, particularly in project management. He excels in creating transformative technology training programs focused on software development, data environments, and agile methodologies. His expertise encompasses enterprise software engineering, advanced analytics, data engineering, and the application of AI and machine learning in business. 

Event schedule

Program subject to change

10:00 AM

AI and Project Management: The Future Is Now

Craig Smith, Global Delivery Lead, SoftEd 

Project managers are consistently on the quest to enhance their workflow and achieve superior outcomes. AI emerges as an indispensable asset for project managers, facilitating the automation of mundane tasks, fostering informed decision-making, and bolstering teamwork. In this presentation, we'll delve into the myriad ways AI can be harnessed to propel project management into a new era of efficiency and excellence.

11:00 AM

Project Work in an AI World

David Mantica, VP/GM SoftEd US

Chris Knotts, Principal Consultant, Technology Transformation Strategies

The rise of generative AI is transforming how knowledge workers operate. In this session, we'll explore how knowledge workers can harness the power of AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard to boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and create new value.

We'll cover topics podcast-style including:

• Augmenting human intelligence - how AI can help us think bigger, smarter, and make faster decisions
• Automating repetitive tasks - reducing grunt work by using AI for document creation, data analysis, testing, and reporting
• Enabling predictive insights - leveraging AI to uncover trends, risks, and opportunities to drive better outcomes
• Democratizing expertise - allowing wider access to institutional knowledge through conversational AI
• Facilitating creative collaboration - using AI to generate new innovations for products and processes
• Maintaining human focus - strategies for using AI to elevate human skills like creativity,
empathy, and judgment

The future of work is here. Listen in for practical tips, ethical considerations, and real-world
examples of how AI can help knowledge workers thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.

11:30 AM

Accelerate You Job Search With AI

Mei Lin, Project Lead, Texas Capital Bank

This session is tailored for job seekers aiming to optimize their job search with the power of AI. The presenter will demonstrate how Generative AI tools can drastically reduce the time spent on job applications while significantly improving their quality. Attendees will learn to use AI to create compelling resumes, craft personalized cover letters and recommendation letters/ LinkedIn posts, and efficiently search for relevant job openings. This session offers practical, AI-enhanced strategies to apply to more jobs with greater efficacy and less effort, thereby increasing the chances of landing the desired role.

12:00 PM

Lunch Break

12:30 PM

The Storyteller's New Wand: AI in Communication

Lara Hill, Marketing Consultant, Sunflow Studio

Discover how AI, the closest thing we have to real magic, can enhance creativity and transform the way we communicate. Attendees will be guided through various methods to swiftly assemble custom images and video clips using generative AI, ensuring that the core message is not only conveyed but is also compelling and resonant with its audience. 

1:30 PM

AI Innovations For CRM

Lawrence Reid, CRM Administrator, National Council for Mental Wellbeing

CRM first utilized AI for predictive analysis calculating the probability of closing opportunities. Generative AI will usher in major paradigm shifts. Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce use AI “Copilot” to augment user capabilities. Topics covered include:

  • Data security
  • Writing product descriptions and marketing campaigns targeted to specific customers instead of generic personas.
  • Combining and summarizing correspondence from multi-modal channels
  • Supporting chat bots to assist customers with common interactions and knowledge base articles.

2:00 PM

AI Products for Project Management

Michael McCullough, Citizen Development Business Archietect, Amtrak

Session description coming soon!

2:30 PM

Tools, Capabilities, How's and Why's

Andy Cooper, Group Manager Global Markets, Skills Consulting Group

Whether you're an AI expert or a newcomer, this talk has something for you. We’ll explore today’s Generative AI systems, demystifying how they can converse, synthesize images, and more at impressive levels.

While acknowledging limitations, we’ll focus on key strengths like natural language processing and generative creativity. We’ll distinguish between tools to guide you in determining which excels at specific tasks.

With image generators, voice synthesis, and chatbots combining forces, AI promises to reshape how we interact with information and each other in notable ways. We’ll cover best practices for crafting effective prompts to improve AI output. This
session aims to empower anyone to thoughtfully harness AI’s potential to positively impact
work life as we know it.

3:30 PM

Envisioning the Future: Integrating Gen-AI into Project Management for Creative Excellence

Brian Sykes, Founder, A.I. Explore

In a world where AI is reshaping creative landscapes, project managers have a unique opportunity to lead innovation. This session will explore how gen-AI tools, like LLMs (Chat-GPT) and text-to-image (Midjourney, Dall-E3, etc), can be utilized in project management to enhance creative output, streamline workflows, and foster collaboration between teams.

4:00 PM

After Hours Interactive Group Discussion (Optional)

Facilitated by David Mantica

Bring your questions, concerns, and comments as we discuss all that we've learned! Great opportunity to network with the speakers and other attendees.

Live Demos of AI Tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, Runway, and more!


Discover the ways ChatGPT and other Large Language Models can save lots of time with common project tasks.


Analyze visual data like images or videos to extract insights, automate visual reporting, or enhance communication.


Machine Learning can analyze historical project data to predict future outcomes, identify risks, or optimize resource allocation.

What People Are Saying About AI Day (Sept. 2023):


Is there something that's not entirely clear? We would love to help you out! Email SoftEd at [email protected] or drop us a line in the form below!