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Supporting Member

Thank you for being a supporting member of the Women In Business Radio Show. You have our eternal gratitude as well as an exclusive newsletter with behind the scenes content and special offers.

7.00 GBP / month

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What Do You Get as a Supporting Member?

  • Behind the scenes members newsletter
  • Special offers, 
  • Member interviews, and 
  • A massive thank you for supporting women in business on the radio.

Being on the radio can be a massive boost of confidence as well as giving you the chance to share your story, your business and to help inspire others.

It can be difficult to get air time unless you have a track history with the media or without a big social media audience - but we care more about you, your story and what you have to share.

What some of our past guests say...

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Supporting Member

Thank you for being a supporting member of the Women In Business Radio Show. You have our eternal gratitude as well as an exclusive newsletter with behind the scenes content and special offers.

7.00 GBP / month

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Have a great day!